Study of Some Physical Properties of Niobium Pentoxide Thin Films

الغامدي ، منال سفر
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Atta Atta - Dr. Abdullah Alhuthali
The present thesis is devoted to study the structural , optical transport and electrical properti es of niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) thin films. Thin films of Nb2O5 were prepared on pre-cleaned fused optically flat quartz and glass substrates by RF sputtering technique. The as-deposited films were annealed at different temperatures (573,673,773 & 973K) for 6 h in air under normal atmospheric pressure. Thin film structure was characterized using X- ray diffraction (XRD), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. X-ray diffraction patterns for as-deposited and the annealed films at 673K thin films showed that thin films are amorphous while the crystallization starts and hexagonal phase peaks appear, when the Nb2O5 thin films are annealed at 773 K. When thermal annealing increases to 973 K, the crystal structure of the film is changed to orthorhombic phase. AFM results indicated that as annealing temperatures increase the average of roughness values are decreased and grain size increases due to decreasing of grain density per μm2. The optical properties of as-deposited and annealed films were studied using their reflectance and transmittance spectra. Transmission and reflection of films were studied by the spectrophotometer measurements at normal incidence of light to determine the dispersion and absorption spectral behaviour, as well as, the high frequency dielectric constant, the lattice dielectric constant and the optical energy gap. The estimated direct optical bandgap energy values were found to be Edg = 3.62 eV for the as deposited which decreases Edg = 3.07 eV for the annealed films at 973 K. The dispersion curves of the refractive index of Nb2O5 thin films were found to obey the single oscillator and Drude models. The dark DC electrical conductivity, σ (T), as a function of temperature (in range of 315-480 K) for the as-deposited Nb2O5 films with thickness 950, 3200 and 6576 nm have been investigated. The values of activation energy in the first temperature regime (315 K ≤ T ≤ 360 K) were found to ( E = 0.87 eV ) and in the second regime (370 K ≤ T ≤ 480 K) was E = 0.87 eV respectively. For the first temperature regime the conductivity mechanism could be analysed using Mott’s variable range hopping conduction process (VRH) wile the second temperature regime the conductivity of Nb2O5 thin films can be interpreted in terms of a non-adiabatic regime of small-polaron hopping.
Study of the Crystal Structure and magnetic properties for some doped ferrites

المعلوي، منى ابراهيم
Dr. Zein El-Abidin Kamel Heiba abd ElAziz
Cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4, CFO) is an important member of ferrite family with excellent properties and high stability. The present work is aimed to study the structural, microstructure and magnetic properties of nano cobalt ferrite doped with vanadium. One of the potential applications of ferrites, but most valuable one, is using them as positive electrode for Lithium batteries; for this reason, two sets have been investigated: 𝐶𝑜𝐹𝑒2−𝑥𝑉𝑥𝑂4 (for x=0.0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 & 0.25) and 𝐶𝑜𝐹𝑒2−1.67𝑥𝑉𝑥𝑂4 with x=0.10, 0.20. Samples were prepared by the sol gel method in which stoichiometric amounts of Co(NO3)2.6H2O, Fe(NO3)3.9H2O, NH4VO3, dehydrated citric acid and a suitable amount of ethylene glycol (EG) are mixed in distilled water. The gel precursors were decomposed at about 400 oC and then annealed at 700 oC (1 h). The structural characterizations of all the prepared samples were done using XRD; applying the search-match program, the X-ray diffraction patterns of all the samples indicated the existence of single phase cubic spinel structure. The effect of 𝑉 doping on the structural and magnetic properties of vanadium doped ferrites has been examined. The crystal structures and micro-structures were obtained by applying Rietveld method and using the MAUD program. For the system 𝐶𝑜𝐹𝑒2−𝑥𝑉𝑥𝑂4, we assumed that vanadium may introduce the lattice as 𝑉5+ and/or as 𝑉3+, with a cation distribution in the form (𝐶𝑜1−𝑦2+𝐹𝑒𝑦−𝜎−1.67𝜎3+𝐹𝑒1.67𝜎2+𝑉𝜎5+)[𝐶𝑜𝑦2+𝐹𝑒2−𝑦−𝑥+𝜎3+𝑉𝑥−𝜎3+], where (is the fraction of vanadium residing in tetrahedral positions as V5+, converting some Fe3+ ions into Fe2+ to establish charge balance. We have found that for low vanadium doping of x 0.1, V it is accommodated in the B-site, while for higher values of x ≥ 0.15 it is accommodated mainly in B-sites with traces in the A-site. Due to the difference in cations radii, the lattice parameter (a) slightly decreases nearly linearly with the content of vanadium up to x=0.2, then increases a little for x=0.25. Following the variation of the lattice parameter, the tetrahedral bond length 𝑀𝐴−𝑂𝐴 decreases with vanadium content up to x=0.15 then increases for x > 0.15. The opposite occurs for the octahedral bond length 𝑀𝐵−𝑂𝐵 , it increases up to x= 0.15 then decreases for x > 0.15. Taking the origin of the unit cell at the center of symmetry (¼ ¼ ¼) (origin at B-site), the oxygen parameter (u) is found to decreases up to x =0.15 then increases for x>0.15 with all values greater than the ideal one 0.25. This could be correlated with the Co content in the tetrahedral site; first decreases for x ≤ 0.15 pushing the system towards inverse spinel, then increases for x > 0.15. From Rietveld analysis, the average crystallite size decreases with the vanadium content, while the average lattice micristrain increases. The morphology and composition of the ferrite powders is further investigated using SEM analysis. The SEM micrographs indicated a wide distribution of particle size which is common for all samples. The chemical composition of the samples is checked utilizing the EDS spectrum obtained along with the SEM micrographs. The magnetic properties of the synthesized samples were investigated by using vibrating sample magnetometer at room temperature with an applied magnetic field up to 20 kOe. The magnetic parameters: saturation magnetization (𝑀𝑠), coercivity (𝐻𝑐) and remanent magnetization (𝑀𝑟) have been determined and correlated with Vanadium content. The saturation magnetization 𝑀𝑆 of vanadium doped samples decreases up to x=0.15 then increases for x > 015. For all doped samples, 𝑀𝑆 is less than that of undoped CoFe2O4. The overall decrease of saturation magnetization has been correlated with the cation distribution between the A and B sites in the ferrite structure. The variation of the coercivity (𝐻𝐶) and anisotropy constant K with vanadium concentration has been investigated and correlated with the cation distribution. The magnetic behavior of the samples showed that an increase in the vanadium doped content up to x = 0.2 led to an increase in the coercivity 𝐻𝐶. The experimentally observed magnetic moment 𝜇𝑜𝑏𝑠, estimated from saturation magnetization, is compared with the theoretically calculated one 𝜇𝑐𝑎𝑙 assuming collinear moments alignment. The difference between the two moments has been interpreted on the basis of Neel’s collinear two sub lattice model and Yafet- Kittel (Y-K) type of magnetic ordering. Correlation between spin canting and cationic distribution has been discussed in details. For the system CoFe2-1.67xVxO4, Rietveld analysis indicated that replacing Fe3+ by V5+ produces a lot of iron vacancies in the lattice. The Fe3+ vacant places produced by vanadium doping is further confirmed by the magnetic measurements; the saturation magnetization is greatly reduced in samples x=0.10 and 0.20 of the system CoFe2-1.67xVxO4 than those samples with the same doping level of system CoFe2-xVxO4. These vacancies produced by Vanadium doping provide physical sites for Li-ion storage allowing defect spinel ferrites as positive electrode in lithium batteries; therefore, the system CoFe2-1.67xVxO4 is recommended as a potential positive electrode for Li-batteries.
Study of the impact of cement industry on the levels of some environmental pollutants

الدعدي، مجدي محمد
Prof. Dr. Taher Morsey Atia Sharshar
This work is concerned with the environmental impact of the cement industry in west Saudi Arabia represented in two cement plants and one cement depository. The concentrations of natural and artificial radionuclides in samples of cement (raw materials and end product) and soil, collected from the cement plant and its surrounding area, were measured using γ-ray spectrometer employing a HPGe detector. In addition, the levels of 19 major and trace elements were also determined in these samples using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. The concentrations of the 238U series isotopes in soil samples show a clear radiological impact of the cement industry upon the environment. Raw materials have a wide range of natural radioactivity concentrations which could be explained by the differences of their mining origin. The values of radium equivalent, as a radiation hazard index, are much smaller than the maximum recommended value of 370 Bq kg-1. Other calculated radiation hazard indices such as absorbed dose and effective dose equivalent indicate normal level of radiation exposure. The use of these materials in construction of dwellings is therefore considered to be safe for human habitation. The contents of major and trace elements in soil, raw materials, and end product cement samples differ significantly. Possible contamination with Ca and some other elements in soil samples that are rich with the fine grain size was observed. Cluster analysis of soil samples shows an obvious evidence of the cement industry impact upon the environment.
Study of the physical properties of the surfaces of polymer- bioglass nano composites for using in bone replacement

إدريس ، رانية أحمد محمد
د . سلطان العميري
Chitosan and silicate nano bioactive glass (NBG) composite implants, specifically designed to mimic the nature of host tissue and hence to promote cell growth and tissue regeneration. Chitosan, as a natural bio polymer has appropriate properties for tissue engineering applications. Bioactive glasses are amorphous and bioactive silicate based artificial materials that are able to form tenacious bonds with bone by forming apatite on its surfaces due to interaction with physiological fluids. The aim of the study was to fabricate and characterize chitosan with silicate nano bioactive glass (NBG) composite implants doped with zinc, magnesium and potassium before and after soaking in simulated body fluid. Chitosan, as a natural polymer has appropriate properties for tissue engineering applications, and combining it with silicate bioactive glass doped with some metal, known to promote bone regeneration, suggested hopeful outcomes. Chitosan-Bioactive glass composites were made by dissolving chitosan in acetic acid, and adding the silicate bioactive glass to the solution until reaching uniform content. The samples can be synthesized by a number of methods one of them is the sol -gel method. Four glass samples were investigated in this study before and after soaking in simulated body fluid (SBF). The actual glass content, within the implants, were evaluated by X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis, and the change in the active chemical groups due to the soaking in SBF were monitored by Fourier Transformation Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The changes in the amorphous and crystal phases were studied under X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The implants were soaked in SBF for one week and two weeks periods. Four prepared laboratory samples have been investigated by different physical tools before and after soaking in the solution of fluid simulation in the body and for a period of one week and two weeks. The results from XRF, FT-IR and XRD did not reveal direct information about confirmation about the formation of bone-like apatite on the surfaces of the prepared samples. Nano silicate bioactive glass has emerged as an important biomaterial and is available in multiple forms to its users. The bioactivity of these glasses is related to the formation of a bioactive apatite layer on the glasses surface. The experimental studies showed that the silicate bioactive glass nanoparticle are non-toxic and promotes the viability of biopolymers activity. They can be synthesized by a number of methods and can be applied to different substrates in many forms. Controlling the initial configuration and treatment parameters of nano bioactive glass enhances their ability to improve, cell differentiation, enzyme activity and bone adhesion. Given existing applications, there is a strong justification for additional use in medicine and dentistry, and further research is needed to explore more applications. In order to successfully develop new combinations, it is necessary for researchers to take a more structural approach when designing bioactive glasses. The apatite-like layer of human bone that we are looking for over the course of laboratory studies in this thesis by soaking the samples into simulated body fluid for one or two weeks, respectively. Laboratory studies were carried out through laboratory measurements for XRD, FTIR spectra and XRF. The formation of bone-like apatite layer over the prepared nano bioactive glass was detected after soaking the samples in simulated body fluid for one week and two weeks as valid by results of FTIR. But, the experimental results of FTIR and XRF did not confirm the presence of the bone-like apatite group on the sample surface after soaking the samples in simulated body fluid for one week and two weeks.

الماكلي، احمد محمد
Dr. Abdallah A. Mousa / Dr. Mohammed M. Rizk
The K-means method is one of the most widely used clustering methods and has been implemented in many fields of science and technology. Some of the major problems of the k-means algorithm are, it may produce empty clusters depending on initial center vectors, may converge to values that are not optimal, and for large problems global solutions cannot be found with a reasonable amount of computation effort. On the first hand Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic global search algorithm based on the evolutionary principles of natural selection and genetics. This thesis presents a hybrid version of the k- means algorithm with GAs that efficiently eliminates the drawbacks of k-means algorithm. Results of simulation experiments using several data sets prove our claim. On the other hand, multiobjective optimization tools are useful in obtaining the best possible process when multiple conflicting objectives are to be optimized simult-aneously, in which one objective cannot be improved without sacrificing other objectives. Multiobjective Optimization yields not a single optimal solution, but a set of Pareto optimal solutions. For practical applications, however, we need to select some solutions that represent the characters features of the original set , which may be too large for decision makers to reasonably consider. In this thesis we present 3-phase hybrid genetic k-means approach which intends to not only make Pareto front tractable but to select the most compromise set of solution depending on the decision maker choice (Obtaining a minimal representation of multiobjective design space). Finally, implementation of this methodology is applied for various problem of Multiobjective optimization Test Instances for the CEC 2009 Special Session and Competition.
Study on some mathematical models for the flow characteristics of bio-fluids and its applications

الغامدي، فلوه سويد صالح
Prof. Dr. Khaled Saad Mekheimer / Dr. Mohamed Saad Mohamed
The World Health Organization [1] reported that, the circulatory connected tissues are the major causes of health problems and deaths in the world. Accordingly, seventeen million deaths in 2012 were associated with heart related problems, which represent 31% of the global deaths. Of these deaths, an estimated 7.4 million were due to coronary heart diseases and 6.7 million were due to strokes. The basic cause of heart related disorders are due to the occlusions, which compromise the functioning of the vital organs. Mathematical modelling of the circulatory system has gained importance in recent years. In fact, the Food and Drug administration (FDA) now requires mathematical modelling of human physiology before allowing human or animal testing of vascular devices as stated in [2]. The purpose of this work is to study the flow of bio-fluids using some mathematical models. In particular, some mathematical models for the flow of blood through a stenotic arteries and arterial catheterization are the major aim of the thesis. The blood model in this thesis can be represented as a micropolar fluid and a nanoparticle fluid model. Thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 is giving brief introduction and outline of the Bio-fluid flow through blood vessels. It provides the motivation and applications to the study carried out in the thesis. It also presents the introduction to the problems discussed in the subsequent chapters. A survey of pertinent literature is given for the models considered to show the significance of the problems. In Chapter 2 mathematical modeling of amicropolar fluid (as blood model), flow through an artery with overlapping stenosis under the influence of metallic nanoparticles and magnetic field has been done. The coupled nonlinear partial differential equations governing the problem are simplified by subject to reasonable modeling and stenosis approximations to obtain analytic expressions for the flow characteristics. The expressions for velocity, microrotation, stream function, flow resistance and wall shear stress distribution are obtained in the present analysis. Effects of some emerging physical parameters on arterial blood flow characteristics are shown graphically and discussed briefly for both micropolar fluid model without the influence of metallic nanoparticles (micropolar fluid model) and micropolar fluid model under the influence of metallic nanoparticles (nanofluid model). Velocity and wall shear stress values obtained from the nanofluid model are higher than those obtained from the microplolar fluid model, while the resistance impedance values have inverse trend. Finally, stream line patterns illustrating size and number of trapping boluses are introduced and discussed for various imbedded parameters. Chapter 3 is dedicated to understand the behaviour of the copper-blood flow model through catheterized stenotic artery with a clot. The governing equations are introduced for the considered model. By using the corresponding boundary conditions and under mild stenosis assumptions the governing equations are solved exactly. The obtained results for temperature, velocity, stream function, wall shear stress and resistance impedance are illustrated through graphs. The influence of flow parameters on the flow characteristics are presented through graphs. The trapping phenomena as well as the number of trapping bolus are shown graphically for various flow parameters. Chapter 4 provides the conclusions and the highlights of our investigations.
Study the Prevalence of Candida Species Infection Responsible for the Vulvovaginitis in the Menopausal Women and the Possibility of Treatment by Antifungals, A1-Taif, KSA

الحلتيت ، سارة عوض
Dr. Mohamed Fadi Allah A. Awad
Studying the effect of different tissue culture media on the secondary products of some medicinal plants

اليامي، سارة مسعود مهدي
Prof. Dr. Salih Ali Bazaid/ Dr. Hadeer Yahia Darwesh
This study was carried out in the tissue culture laboratory of Taif University during the seasons of 2014-2015. The objectives of this study were to improve the production of secondary metabolites of Rosa damascena, (Family: Rosaceae) and Thymus vulgaris (Family: Lamiaceae) using biotic and a biotic elicitors beside micropropagation of thyme plants using tissue culture techniques our results indicated that: -The adequate callus mass of R. damascena was obtained from the treatment of 1 mg/L NAA+1 mg/L Kin. -The highest phenolics content increment of R. damascena was found on cultured medium supplemented with 0.5 g/L Citric acid. -The adequate callus mass of T. vulgaris was obtained from the treatment of 2.0 mg/L Kin and 2.0 mg/L IBA. -The highest phenolics content increment of T. vulgaris was found on cultured medium supplemented with any of growth regulators. -The highest number of T. vulgaris shoots was obtained when cultured medium was supplemented with 0.5 mg/L BAP. So, we recommended that plant tissue culture technique could be used as a suitable method for improving secondary metabolites of Rosa damascene and Thymus vulgaris callus.
Studying the Partial and Total Photoionization Cross Sections for the Elements of Z=1-114

الجعيد ، صالحة عوض
Prof. Dr. Abdallah A. M. Shaltout - Dr. Sameh I. Ahmed
Partial and total photoionization cross section of atoms and ions are essential for many different applications such as; elemental analysis by X-ray emission technique, basic studies of nuclear and atomic processes; dosimetric computations for medical physics and astrophysical applications. Therefore, the present work aims to study the partial and total photoionization cross sections for the elements with atomic number form Z=1 to Z=114. The study is based on the available experimental and theoretical data bases. In order to find out the most suitable data base of the partial and total photoionization cross sections, the binding energies of twelve different data bases have been collected, compared and studied for the different subshell starting from K shell to N7 subshell. An algorithm has been developed for this purpose using Matlab software. In case of K shell, the threshold energies of Verner's databases as well as Yeh and Lindau are not in agreement at low Z elements. For the binding energies of L1,L2 and L3 subshells, the relative deviations reaches to 160% at low atomic number (Z< 10). In case of M subshells starting from M1to M5 , remarkable discrepancies was found for elements of atomic number from Z=11 to Z=16. At N subshells, the more discrepancies were found for Verner, Nefodov and Yeh & Lindau. Other data bases have a good agreement. The partial photoionization cross sections of the different subshells were calculated and compared with different available data bases. Good agreements with exception of some elements as well as the values of the photoionization cross sections at low photon energy (less than 1 keV) were found .In addition, the ratios between the partial photoionization cross sections of L2/L3 (2p1/2/2p3/2), M2/M3(3p1/2/3p3/2), M4/M5(3d3/2/3d5/2), N2/N3(4p1/2/4p3/2), N4/N5(4d3/2/4d5/2), N6/N7(4f5/2/4f7/2) were calculated. The ratios of the partial photoionization cross sections are not constant and it varies from 0.5-0.75. By summing up the partial photoionization cross sections the different subshells, total photoionization cross sections were calculated and compared with the experimental data and good agreements were obtained.
Synergistic and antioxidant effects of chitosan nanoparticles, Resveratrol and Quercetin against D- galactose induced aging in male mice

آل هزاع ، منيرة أحمد راشد
Dr.Mohammad Salem Al-Harbi - Dr.Reham Zakaria Hamza
Synthesis and analytical applications of some monolithic materials coated with gold nanoparticles

الخديدي ، أشواق طايل
Dr. Eman saad Alzahrani - Dr. Khaled Mohamed Elsabawy
Metal nanoparticles synthesized by using lemon peel extract as green chemistry has advantages over chemical and physical methods since it is cheap, environment-friendly, available and safe to handle. The different parameters were optimised for the fabrication of GNPs including the concentration of lemon peel extract, concentration of HAuCl4 solution, and ratio of HAuCl4 solution to lemon peel extract. The optimum condition for preparation of GNPs using lemon peel extract was 20% of lemon peel extract, 2.0mM of HAuCl4 solution and ratio of HAuCl4 solution to lemon peel extract was 2:1. The optimum conditions for fabrication of GNPs were used for fabrication of SNPs. NPs characterised using different techniques such as UV-Vis spectrophotometry and their size determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), while the element composition of the sample was obtained from the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum. (FTIR) analysis were used to detect the NPs. The image obtained from SEM and TEM analysis revealed that grain size is homogeneous and agglomeration with average size range of about 25.36 nm. The aim of this study was to fabricate an organic polymer-based monolith from a poly (butylmethacrylate-co-ethylenedimethacrylate) monolith and was immobilized of NPs on the surface of the pores of the monolith and evaluate it as a solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent for protein extraction. There were Two methods considered during this study for get the best way to immobilised of NPs on polymer monolith, which was a piece of monolith soaked in a nano solution prepared directly at 80 oC is the best. The fabricated monolith was characterised using (SEM), (EDX), (IR), and (AFM) were used and the coverage with NPs confirmed. In SEM analysis, it can be seen that NPs and immobilized widely on surface polymer. A new peak was found in EDX analysis which confirmed presence of atom of Au with an amount of 2.83 % and A new peak which confirmed presence of atom of Ag with an amount of 1.92%. It was found that after modification with NPs, the characteristic absorption bands attributed to -OH were observed in FT-IR spectrum of NPs-immobilised monolith. From AFM technique the surface roughness of bare monolith ranged from 17 to 36 nm, the surface roughness of SNPs-immobilised monolith was increased to 18.8 - 38 nm, and in GNPs-immobilised monolith the surface roughness was increased to 21- 42.3 nm. This was followed by modification process for the fabrication of a monolithic materials inside a home-made spin column, which was successfully developed for use in SPE of proteins. The best performance was obtained when using GNPs-immobilised monolith whereas the extraction recoveries of the standard proteins (albumin and pepsin) ranged between (93 and 96%), which were higher than the extraction recoveries of the same proteins using SNPs-immobilised monolith (89 and 91%) and using bare organic monolith (72 and 73 %).
Synthesis and analytical applications of some monolithic materials coated with gold nanoparticles

الخديدي، أشواق طايل دحمس
Dr. Eman saad Alzahrani / Dr. Khaled Mohamed Elsabawy
Metal nanoparticles synthesized by using lemon peel extract as green chemistry has advantages over chemical and physical methods since it is cheap, environment-friendly, available and safe to handle. The different parameters were optimised for the fabrication of GNPs including the concentration of lemon peel extract, concentration of HAuCl4 solution, and ratio of HAuCl4 solution to lemon peel extract. The optimum condition for preparation of GNPs using lemon peel extract was 20% of lemon peel extract, 2.0mM of HAuCl4 solution and ratio of HAuCl4 solution to lemon peel extract was 2:1. The optimum conditions for fabrication of GNPs were used for fabrication of SNPs. NPs characterised using different techniques such as UV-Vis spectrophotometry and their size determined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), while the element composition of the sample was obtained from the energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectrum. (FTIR) analysis were used to detect the NPs. The image obtained from SEM and TEM analysis revealed that grain size is homogeneous and agglomeration with average size range of about 25.36 nm. The aim of this study was to fabricate an organic polymer-based monolith from a poly (butylmethacrylate-co-ethylenedimethacrylate) monolith and was immobilized of NPs on the surface of the pores of the monolith and evaluate it as a solid phase extraction (SPE) sorbent for protein extraction. There were Two methods considered during this study for get the best way to immobilised of NPs on polymer monolith, which was a piece of monolith soaked in a nano solution prepared directly at 80 oC is the best. The fabricated monolith was characterised using (SEM), (EDX), (IR), and (AFM) were used and the coverage with NPs confirmed. In SEM analysis, it can be seen that NPs and immobilized widely on surface polymer. A new peak was found in EDX analysis which confirmed presence of atom of Au with an amount of 2.83 % and A new peak which confirmed presence of atom of Ag with an amount of 1.92%. It was found that after modification with NPs, the characteristic absorption bands attributed to -OH were observed in FT-IR spectrum of NPs-immobilised monolith. From AFM technique the surface roughness of bare monolith ranged from 17 to 36 nm, the surface roughness of SNPs-immobilised monolith was increased to 18.8 - 38 nm, and in GNPs-immobilised monolith the surface roughness was increased to 21- 42.3 nm. This was followed by modification process for the fabrication of a monolithic materials inside a home-made spin column, which was successfully developed for use in SPE of proteins. The best performance was obtained when using GNPs-immobilised monolith whereas the extraction recoveries of the standard proteins (albumin and pepsin) ranged between (93 and 96%), which were higher than the extraction recoveries of the same proteins using SNPs-immobilised monolith (89 and 91%) and using bare organic monolith (72 and 73 %).
Synthesis and Physicochemical studies on metal complexity of some fluoroquinolones and their applications

مجرشي ، بدرية محمد شوعي
Prof. Dr. Moamen S. Refat, (DSc) - Dr. kaouther Belgacem
This thesis aimed Firstly, to synthesis and study the spectroscopic, physicochemical and catalytic studies on some ofloxacin complexes with RuIII and PdII metal ions. The ruthenium(III) and palladium(II) complexes and their mixed ligand complexes derived from ofloxacin (OFL) as a primary ligand and glycine (Gly) or alanine (Ala) as secondary ligand have been prepared and characterized using microanalytical, spectroscopic and physical techniques including elemental analysis, molar conductivity, FTIR , electronic spectra, 1H−NMR, 13C−NMR, X−ray powder diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy−dispersive X−ray (EDX) and Thermal Analysis. The elemental analysis data display the formation of 1:2 (MIII/II: OFL) and 1:1:1 (MIII/II: OFL: AA) complexes. The diffused reflectance and magnetic moment measurements reveal the presence of the complexes in an octahedral or square planer geometry. The infrared spectral data show that the chelation behavior of the ligands toward MIII/II metal ions is through nitrogen atoms of the piperazine ring, which is an unusual mode of coordination for this class of OFL ligand whereas the amino acid coordinate through the carboxylate oxygen and the amino nitrogen. The molar conductivity reveals an electrolytic nature of all prepared complexes. The thermogravimetric analysis data of the ruthenium (III) complexes displays the existence of coordinated water molecules. Further , to improve the catalytic efficiency of the prepared Ofloxacin complexes; The RuO2 and PdO nanoparticles with nanoscale range was synthesized by a thermal decomposition method using OFL as parent precursor complexes. The RuO2 and PdO NPs were formed after calcination of precursor in static air at 600 °C for 3 hrs. The structural, grain size, morphological and catalytic efficiency of the synthesized oxides NPs were characterized using the FTIR, XRD, SEM, and EDX analyses. The probable reaction mechanism have been suggested in which an surface morphology RuO2 and PdO NPs are thought to be responsible for the enhancement of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide
Synthesis and spectrophotometric studies of some metal complexes derived from isatin

الخديدي ، أمل محمد مسرع
د. عبير أحمد فهيم / د. داليا إبراهيم صالح
One of the major applications of the transition metal complexes is their evaluation as antibacterial and antitumor agents aiming toward the discovery of effective and safe therapeutic agents for the treatment of bacterial infections and cancers. Additionally, metal complexes with significant antifungal antibacterial and anticancer activity. It is well known that some drugs exhibit increased activity when administered as metal complexes and several metal chelates have been shown to inhibit tumor growth Due to the remarkable activity of isatin, its derivatives and their corresponding metal complexes and the dependence of their activity on the mode of coordination with metal ions, we are interested to design and characterize new metal complexes with different potential applications. Chapter I: Introduction. This chapter deals with some basic concepts on coordination chemistry spectrophotometric measurements and methods used for determination of the stoichiometry of the complexes also, a literature survey on isatin, 4-amioantipyrine ligands, its derivatives and their corresponding complexes in addition to some applications and importance was included. Chapter II: Experimental. This chapter includes the chemicals used and the practical method of preparation the ligand and its complexes in addition to practical methods used to evaluate the synthesized complexes as corrosion inhibitors , antimicrobial and antitumor study. Moreover all measurements and techniques used in elucidation the structure of the prepared complexes are included Preparation of metal complexes based on isatin-4-aminoantpyrine via the interaction of isatin, 4-aminoantpyrine and the metal nitrate; {Co(NO3)2.6H2O Ni(NO3)2.6H2O, Cu(NO3)2.3H2O, Ce(NO3)3.6H2O} Chapter III : Results and discussion. This chapter include: First: Spectrophotometric study to determine the formation constant and stability constant of the metal complexes of isatin 4-amino antipyrine (IAAP) with Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II), from this study we concluded that Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II) ions form 1 : 1 (metal : ligand )complex. Also beer’s law obeyed up to (2 x 10 -M) for Co(II), Ni(II) and Cu(II). Second: Elucidation of the structure of the prepared (IAAP) ligand and its metal complexes via the several techniques as elemental analysis spectral ( UV-Vis., IR,NMR), and magnetic moment measurements as well as thermal gravimetrical study. In addition, Correlation of all data suggests that all metal complexes have metal-to-ligands ratio of 1:1 { M L} with octahedral, structure was suggested for the metal complexes. Third: The evaluation of the synthesized compound via: * Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel in HCL by the prepared compounds using impedance techniques was tested indicating that the metal complexes can act as corrosion inhibitors * Antimicrobial activity of (IAAP) and its Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Ce(III) complexes, were measured towards Streptococcus pneumonia Bacillus subtilis, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus fumigatus, Syncephalastrum racemosum, Geotricum candidum and Candida tropicalis in comparison with Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin and Amphotericin B as standards. It was found that Ni(II), Cu(II) and Ce(III) complexes, possessed a broad spectrum of activity against the sensitive organisms. Hence (IAAP) ligand and its metal complexes were tested for antitumor activity against colon carcinoma cell (HCT-116) and Mouse Myelogenous leukemia carcinoma (M-NFS-60) at concentration (100, 50, 25, 12.5, 6.25 ,3.125 and 1.56 µg / mL). Additionally, the IC50 values derived from experimental data. The study indicate that The antitumor activity of the compounds follow the order : CU(II) – Complex > Ce(III) – Complex > Ni(II) – Complex > Co(II) – Complex > (IAAP) Ligand
Synthesis of Enaminone-Based Heterocyclic Compounds and Study Their Biological Activity

الزهراني، زينة أحمد علي
Dr. Islam Helmy El-Azab / Dr. Laila M. Break Abu–Alola
We herein reported the utility of 3-(3-(dimethylamino)acryloyl)- H-chromen-2-one, as a versatile precursor for the synthesis of some new N-heterocycles systems having possible biological activities. The structure of the newly synthesized compounds has been confirmed by IR, H NMR, mass spectral and elemental analysis. Furthermore, some selected compounds were screened in vitro for their anti-microbial activities. The results declared that most of the synthesized compounds have high anti-microbial activity.