The Effectiveness of Using Mind-Maps Strategy on Developing English Vocabulary and Achievement Motivation of Primary Stage Female-pupils
الدهاسي ، منال مسيفر حازم
Dr. Eid Abdel-Wahed Ali
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using Multisensory Approach in Enhancing The Achievement and Retention of English Language Vocabulary for Intermediate Stage Female Students with EFL Learning Disabilities.
القرني ، ندى سعد عبد الله
Dr. Hamdy A.A. Elbanna
Curriculum and techniques of education
هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى قياس فاعلية استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز تحصيل مفردات اللغة الانجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة ذوات صعوبات التعلم . وتتلخص مشكلة الدراسة في السؤال الرئيسي التالي : ما فاعلية استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز تحصيل مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة ذوات صعوبات تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية ؟
اعتمدت الدراسة الحالية على المنهج التجريبي القائم على التصميم شبه التجريبي . واشتملت ادوات الدراسة على اختبار كاتل للذكاء . والاختبار التحصيلي لمفردات اللغة الإنجليزية (من إعداد الباحثة ) . وقد تم اختبار عينة الدراسة من مدرستين متوسطتين للبنات في مدينة الطائف هما : المتوسطة الرابعة والثلاثون والمتوسطة الخامسة والأربعون . و بالاعتماد على محكي التباين والاستبعاد ، تم تحديد الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم اللواتي يمثلن عينة هذه الدراسة . ثم تم تقسيم العينة عشوائيين إلى مجموعتين : ضابطة مكونة من ( 10 ) طالبات تم تدريسهن بالطريقة التقليدية وتجريبية مكونة من (12 ) طالبة تم تدريسهن باستخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس . وقد خضعت المجموعتين للاختبار القبلي للتحقق من تكافؤهما .
استمرت الدراسة لمدة ستة أسابيع خضعت الطالبات بعدها للتطبيق البعدي ثم للتطبيق المؤجل بعد مرور شهر على التطبيق البعدي . استخدمت الباحثة مجموعة من المعالجات الإحصائية ، باستخدام حزمة التحليلات الإحصائية في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية SPSS ؛ تمثلت في الآتي : اختبار مان وتني " Mann_ Whitney U Test " ، Z التقريب الاعتدالي لمان ونتي ، حجم التأثير ( ES) المستخدم مع احصاء ويلكوكسن ، اختبار ويلكوكسن " Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test " .
و أظهرت نتائج الدراسة الأثر الإيجابي لاستخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في التدريس على تحصيل مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم . وفي ضوء نتائج الدراسة ، قدمت الباحثة مجموعة من التوصيات كان من أبرزها : استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز اكتساب مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم ، استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس لتدريس مواد أخرى مثل العلوم والرياضيات ، عقد دورات تدريبية للمعلمات لتدريبهن على استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس ، السعي لرفع مستوى الوعي في الدراس وفي المجتمع حول ذوي صعوبات التعلم , وتوجيه انتباه مصممي المناهج الى اثراء المناهج بالأنشطة التي تتطلب استخدام الحواس المختلفة معاً .
The Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Enhancing Reading Skills of EFL Saudi Female Intermediate Students with Reading Difficulties
الشهري ، منى غرمان عبد الله
Dr. EidAbd El-Whahed Ali
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using Self-Questioning Strategy in Developing Strategic Listening and Self-Regulation of Female Students at Taif University
العتيبي ، مرام مسري عريمط
Dr. Hamad Homoud Alsowat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using the Transactional Strategies Instruction in Developing Secondary Stage Good and Poor Readers' Comprehension Skills in English
السواط، كريم عبيد الله مطر
Dr. Marwan Rasheed Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using the
transactional strategies instruction (TSI) in developing secondary stage
good and poor readers' comprehension skills in English. The study adopted
a quasi-experimental design: a pre/ post- test non- equivalent control group
design to achieve its aims.
The sample of the study consisted of 2nd secondary stage students from
two high schools in Taif (N=68). The students were divided into two
groups: experimental group (N=34) and control group (N=34). In order to
determine good and poor readers in each group, the TOEFL Junior
Standard Test reading comprehension section was administered to the
whole subjects. The experimental group contained (13) good readers and
(9) poor readers. On the other hand, the control group contained (10) good
readers and (10) poor readers. The experimental group was taught by using
transactional strategies instruction while the control group received regular
A reading comprehension skills test was administered to the both groups
before and after the experiment.
The scores were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U Test. The results
indicated the positive effectiveness of using the transactional strategies
instruction in developing secondary stage good and poor readers'
comprehension skills in English.
In the light of the results, the study provided some relevant
recommendations and suggestions.
The Effectiveness of Using the Transactional Strategies Instruction in Developing Secondary Stage Good and Poor Readers' Comprehension Skills in English
السواط، كريم عبيدالله مطر
Dr. Marwan Rasheed Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using the
transactional strategies instruction (TSI) in developing secondary stage
good and poor readers' comprehension skills in English. The study adopted
a quasi-experimental design: a pre/ post- test non- equivalent control group
design to achieve its aims.
The sample of the study consisted of 2nd secondary stage students from
two high schools in Taif (N=68). The students were divided into two
groups: experimental group (N=34) and control group (N=34). In order to
determine good and poor readers in each group, the TOEFL Junior
Standard Test reading comprehension section was administered to the
whole subjects. The experimental group contained (13) good readers and
(9) poor readers. On the other hand, the control group contained (10) good
readers and (10) poor readers. The experimental group was taught by using
transactional strategies instruction while the control group received regular
A reading comprehension skills test was administered to the both groups
before and after the experiment.
The scores were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U Test. The results
indicated the positive effectiveness of using the transactional strategies
instruction in developing secondary stage good and poor readers'
comprehension skills in English.
In the light of the results, the study provided some relevant
recommendations and suggestions.
The Intonation of Interrogatives in Makkan Arabic
الشريف، شروق أحمد
أ.د/ غازي القثامي
English Language -Foreign Language
According to Ladd (1981)’s strong universal hypothesis, questions universally tend to
end with arising tone. However, recent empirical studies show that there are languages
such as Hawaii Creole English language (Murphy, 2013), Standard Hungarian
(Ladd,1981), and Spoken Moroccan Arabic (Benkirane, 1998) which are characterized
by a low tune. This present study is the first systematic study, to our knowledge, that
provides an empirical investigation of interrogatives in Makkan Arabic (MA). To
achieve this, a production experiment has been conducted to discover how MA
interrogatives are phonologically and acoustically encoded. A total of 22205 utterances
including declaratives, WH-questions, rhetorical questions, embedded in questionanswer
paradigms, were produced by fourteen native speakers of Makkan Arabic.
Phonological results showed that interrogatives are marked by a H% boundary tone that
reflects its interrogative status, contrary to the default intonation of their declarative
counterparts. Not only that, they also show that the WH-words, regardless of their
sentential positions are acoustically realized with a higher F0; whereas the words
occurred after them are realized with lower F0, compared with their neutral-declarative
counterparts. Interestingly, words occurred before the non-initial WH-word remain
intact prosodically. These results have implications for interrogative studies and
prosodic typology.
The Minority Crisis of Cultural Displacement in Maxine Hong Kingston's The Woman Warrior: A Memoir of a Girlhood Among Ghosts, Gertrude Bonnin's American Indian Stories, and Edward Said's Out of Place
النفيعي ، ريم عباس
د. عادل السيد حسن / د . صدقى صديق حسن
English Language - Linguistics
This thesis highlights the sufferings of the American Minority families attempting to save the cultural identity of their children from the cultural displacement which they have experienced . In The Woman Warrior: A Memoir of a Girlhood among Ghosts, Maxine Hong Kingston depicts the cultural displacement crisis she encounters while, at the same time, showing her mother’s efforts to maintain her Chinese cultural identity through storytelling. In American Indian Stories, Gertrude Bonnin sheds light on the oppression which she has gone through during her childhood so as to abandon her cultural identity. Edward Said’s memoir Out of Place records his individual experiences as an outsider or isolated person who was brought up as a multicultural person due to the European colonization of Palestine and Egypt during his childhood .
The thesis also demonstrates how those authors have departed from societies that used to glorify traditions and cultural identity to a new society which takes little account of such deeply established norms. It further displays the American Minority’s constant attempts to resist cultural displacement and the white American’s propensity to marginalize those who adhere closely to their cultural identity. Drawing upon Postcolonial theory, the present thesis seeks to explore the reasons behind the diaspora of the cultural identity, reveal the minority children’s unconscious assimilation of a multicultural identity, and examine the cultural, social, and psychological impacts of the loss of American Minority’s cultural identity. It concludes by stressing the role of American minority in confronting any further attempts by the American majority to gradually wipe out their cultural identity .
The Obstacles of Teachers Use of E-learning in Teaching English Language for lntermediate Stage Female Pupils from Teachers' Perspective
الحمياني ، وفاء علي حامد
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at exploring the obstacles of using E-learning in teaching English language
from English language teachers' perspective at the intermediate stage. The study adopted the descriptive methodology. The questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect the required data.
After confirming the validity and reliability of the study instrument, it was applied to the study sample which consisted of English language female teachers at the intermediate stage in Taif city
(N=143).. A number of statistical approaches were used in the study such as Cronbach's alpha
coefficient, Pearson's correlation coefficient, arithmetic means, standard deviations, independent samples, t-test and ANOVA
Results showed that the grand mean of all obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in
teaching English language for intermediate stage female students in Taif from teachers‘
perspectives was (3.47) which was a (high) degree. All obstacles in the four domains (English teachers‘ related obstacle - students‘ related obstacles - technical and IT related obstacles -evaluation methods‘ related obstacles) were of a (high) degree and with means that ranged from (3.36) to (3.58). Teachers‘ related obstacles came first, evaluation methods came second, technical and IT related obstacles came third, and finally students‘ related obstacles came fourth .
Moreover, there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the means
of the obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in teaching English language for intermediate female pupils in Taif according to their qualification and experience in English language teaching whereas, there were no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the means of the obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in teaching English language for intermediate female pupils in Taif according to the offices of education and to training courses in computer .
Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations and further research were suggested .
The photovoltaic performance of semiconductor quantum dots sensitized solar cells
العتيبي ، علياء هندي عيد
Dr. Ali Badawi Mustafa Ali - Dr. Atteyah M. Al-Baradi
The Potentiality of Garlic and Grape Seed Extracts as Immunomodulator and Anticancer Agents in Vitro
العدواني ، مشاعل سعود
أ.د. عزيزة حسن / د. عادل مرجاني
Immunomodulators and anticancer agents derived from plant and natural compounds have
attracted a part of concern from natural product scientists for their effectiveness and safety as
well their considerable donation towards understanding drug delivery mechanisms and
targeted drug action. Subsequently searching for immunomodulatory components from natural
herbs and characterizing the immune enhancement properties may have great potential in
cancer treatment. The efforts have been continued for finding new anticancer agents with
better efficacy and lesser side effects.
According to the conventional recommendations and experimental research studies, abundant
of medical plants have been reported to have anticancer effect. Anti-proliferative, pro- apoptotic and anti-angiogenic effects of several phytochemicals have been shown in vitro or
in vivo. Grape seed (PSx) and garlic (Gx) extracts; phytochemicals that have numerous
medicinal and pharmacological properties including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects
as well as anticancer activity.
Aim: The goal of this research is to examine the role of garlic and grape seed extracts,
individually or in combination, in inducing apoptosis in human cancer cells in vitro. Also the
immunomodulatory effects of these extracts were investigated using the transcriptional
expression of specific cytokines Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) by
semi-quantitative PCR (sq-PCR) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).
The present results showed that both (PSx) and (Gx), individually or along with each other,
were successfully able to reduce proliferation and viability in HepG2 and hep-2cancer cells
lines in a dose and time dependent manner. Also, they significantly increased the percentage
of the DNA fragmentation in combined treatment associated with the upregulation of the
apoptotic genes in both cancer cells. Moreover, the combination of both extracts at a dose of
IC50 improves the effectiveness and sensitivity of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells
(PBMCs) and suggests that combined therapy may help to achieve the recommended goals in
the management of cancer and modulating the immune system.
The Potentiality of Garlic and Grape Seed Extracts as Immunomodulator and Anticancer Agents in Vitro
العدواني، مشاعل سعود مبارك
Prof. Dr. Aziza M. Hassan / Dr. Adil Mergani Babakr Hassan
Immunomodulators and anticancer agents derived from plant and natural compounds have attracted a part of concern from natural product scientists for their effectiveness and safety as well their considerable donation towards understanding drug delivery mechanisms and targeted drug action. Subsequently searching for immunomodulatory components from natural herbs and characterizing the immune enhancement properties may have great potential in cancer treatment. The efforts have been continued for finding new anticancer agents with better efficacy and lesser side effects.
According to the conventional recommendations and experimental research studies, abundant of medical plants have been reported to have anticancer effect. Anti-proliferative, pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic effects of several phytochemicals have been shown in vitro or in vivo. Grape seed (PSx) and garlic (Gx) extracts; phytochemicals that have numerous medicinal and pharmacological properties including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects as well as anticancer activity. Aim: The goal of this research is to examine the role of garlic and grape seed extracts, individually or in combination, in inducing apoptosis in human cancer cells in vitro. Also the immunomodulatory effects of these extracts were investigated using the transcriptional expression of specific cytokines Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) by semi-quantitative PCR (sq-PCR) and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The present results showed that both (PSx) and (Gx), individually or along with each other, were successfully able to reduce proliferation and viability in HepG2 and hep-2cancer cells lines in a dose and time dependent manner. Also, they significantly increased the percentage of the DNA fragmentation in combined treatment associated with the upregulation of the apoptotic genes in both cancer cells. Moreover, the combination of both extracts at a dose of IC50 improves the effectiveness and sensitivity of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) and suggests that combined therapy may help to achieve the recommended goals in the management of cancer and modulating the immune system.
The present study aimed at filling a gap in the field of using cultural linguistic strategies in D-P communication in Saudi Arabia. This thesis has explored how Ob/Gyn physicians use language to communicate sexual topics with patients, and the effect of certain cultural variables on vocabulary, or style choices in such contexts. A comprehensive questionnaire was distributed among the main seven hospitals in Jeddah and some minor clinics. The thesis employs euphemism theory to examine the data which comprise 165 responses to the questionnaire. A descriptive quantitative analysis was conducted, which examined the frequencies and percentages of the use of the linguistic strategies and the effect of the social variables. The findings revealed the existence of social norms that lead to restrictions on language along with difficulties in choosing the best linguistic style for the medical sexual issue which might lead to misunderstandings or bad treatment. The results also showed high applicability of euphemism in the form of, formal Standard Arabic and Pun words. In addition, patients’ level of education was found to be the main factor that can have either a positive or negative influence. Consequently, this asserts the importance of having the right scientific knowledge about sexual health issues. Cultural distinctions between doctors and patients along with misunderstanding of Islamic values of modesty were the main reasons for miscommunication with patients on sexual problems. The study also showed that sexual relation with the husband with all its complexities was mostly linguistically restricted. Finally, there might be a need for true education of Islamic values on sexual health, high knowledge of both Arabic and English linguistic styles, and good communication skills which would lead to successful doctor-patient communications.
الزهراني، نورة محمد كميخ
The Realization of Apology Speech Acts Used by Saudi Males and Females
القرني ، نورة علي سعد
Prof Dr . Muhammed Hassan Zakaria
English Language - Linguistics
The Relation between Violence and Black Character in Chosen Works from American Literature
الأسمري ، ياسمين أحمد
Prof. Dr. Turki Al-Mansouri - Dr. Adel El-Sayed Hassan
English Language – Literature
This thesis aims at revealing the nature of the connection that links the theme of
violence to the black character in Faulkner and Wright's writings. Therefore, the
' ideologies that are adopted by the black characters and their societies in both writers
novels will be examined in depth. Besides, this thesis intends to unveil the social,
psychological and economic motives behind the violent nature of the black character
in general. Finally, it explains why Faulkner and Wright shared the same perspective
even though both writers represent different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The
researcher will apply race theory including, postcolonial, African-American, and
psychoanalytic perspectives to the novels. All novels will be analyzed according to the
African-American perspective which reinforce the superiority of the Anglo Saxon race as
internalized racism and the social constriction of race. In addition, a psychoanalytical
explanation will be applied to the black characters in general. Postcolonial perspective are
drown upon this thesis in order to examine the social/historical factors that affect the novels' black characters.