(الاستحسان المصلحي في المعاملات عند الحنفية)
السليماني , أسماء بنت هاني عبدالله
موسى ,محمد بن محمد عزب
الحمدلله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وعلى آله و صحبه أجمعين. عنوان الرسالة: (الاستحسان المصلحي في المعاملات عند الحنفية) دراسة تأصيلية تطبيقية على كتاب (بدائع الصنائع ). أهمية الدراسة وأسباب اختيار الموضوع: 1-تعلقي الشديد بعلم أصول الفقه ومقاصد الشريعة؛ دفعني إلى البحث في الاستحسان المصلحي عند الحنفية ، يضاف إلى ذلك رغبتي في التزود من الفقه الإسلامي؛ لمعرفة أصول استدلال الفقهاء ومناهجهم في الاستنباط، للاستفادة منها في تخريج أحكام المسائل الجديدة. 2-لفت انتباهي مؤلف كتاب بدائع الصنائع بما يتميز به من مكانة علمية، فقد اشتهر بملك العلماء، و هذا دليل على علمه الغزير وأخلاقه الحسنة، وهو من العلماء الذين نبغوا في علوم كثيرة كالحديث، و الفقه، والتفسير وغيرها. 3-كثرة الفروع المخرجة على الاستحسان المصلحي في كتاب بدائع الصنائع كانت سبباً رئيسياً في اختياري لهذا الموضوع. 4-عدم وجود دراسة سابقة تناولت موضوع الاستحسان المصلحي عند الحنفية (على حد علمي). 5-لدراسة هذا الموضوع أثر علمي كبير على الباحثة يجعل لديها المقدرة على كيفية تخريج الفروع على الأصول. بحسب طبيعة الموضوع تم تقسيمه إلى: مقدمة، وقسمين : (نظري وتطبيقي)، والخاتمة، والفهارس العلمية المتنوعة. المقدمة: وفيها أهمية الموضوع وأسباب اختياره، والدراسات السابقة، ومنهج البحث المُتبع، والخطوات المتبعة في كتابة هذه الدراسة، وخطة الدراسة. التمهيد: وفيه القسم الدراسي (النظري) ويشتمل على فصلين: الفصل الأول:حياة الإمام الكاساني صاحب كتاب بدائع الصنائع. الفصل الثاني : حقيقة الاستحسان المصلحي. القسم التطبيقي : ويشتمل على فصول: الفصل الأول: الاستحسان المصلحي في البيوع والسلَم والإجارة . الفصل الثاني: الاستحسان المصلحي في الشركة والمضاربة والهبة . الفصل الثالث: الاستحسان المصلحي في الرهن والعارية والقسمة . الخاتمه متبوعة بفهارس متنوعة.
(التناص في ديوان العقد الثمين من شعر ابن عثيمين – دراسة نقدية )
الطريفي ، سامي بن فالح بن سلطان
د. أحمد بن عيضة الثقفي
Arabic Language - Literature
تعد ظاهرة التناص نظرية حديثة تستعرض ما يحدث في النص من تشابه وتباين مع ما سبقه من نصوص سواء أكان ذلك في اللفظ ، أم المعنى ، أم الصورة ، وفي دراستنا هذه استعراض لمفهوم التناص وأنواعه عند منظريه ، مثل جوليا كرستيفا ، وغيرها ممن كان لهم السبق في تحديد نظرية التناص وتحديد ملامحها وأركانها ، ومن ثم ستتجه الدراسة إلى استبطان نصوص ابن عثيمين واستنطاقها من خلال كشف علاقات تقاطعها مع النصوص السابقة ، بما في ذلك من نصوص دينية ، وحوادث تاريخية ، إضافة إلى المعالم الجغرافية والشخصية ، ثم تتوقف الدراسة – بعد ذلك – على مايتناص معه ابن عثيمين من أدبيات شعرية ونثرية ذات أبعاد وعلاقات متعددة في الوقت نفسه ،وربط تلك الأبعاد والعلاقات بالبناء الكلي للنص ، وعلاقتها بالمتناص معه ، وهو المحور الذي تدور حوله الدراسة بشكل رئيس .
(المكان في شعر العرجي )
عسيري، حسن ناصر يحيى
أ.د. جريدي المنصوري
Arabic Language- Literature and criticism
(المكان في شعر العرجي ) يتجه هذا البحث نحو دراسة المكان في شعر العرجي؛ فيسلط الضوء بداية على حضوره وأثره في ذلك الشعر، ويكشف من ثم عن أهمية هذا العنصر، وما يمثله من هاجس ذاتي مؤثر في تجربة العرجي الشعرية، ويصل البحث من خلال التركيز على كيفيات بناء المكان وتشكيله وتأثيثه إلى إبراز أدواره الجوهرية ووظائفه المحورية وما له من دلالات وإيحاءات في نصوص العرجي، ويكشف معالم الوجود الشعري المتحقق للمكان بعد نقله من الحسي والمعتاد إلى الخيالي والفني المختلف، وإدماجه في التجربة الشعرية، وإعادة بنائه وتشكيله على أساس رؤية الشاعر الخاصة لما يحيط به من ظروف، وما يشغل فكره من قضايا. ويأتي البحث في ثلاثة فصول قبلها تمهيد يعرض بإيجاز لسيرة الشاعر، ولمفهوم المكان، فأما الفصل الأول فهو بعنوان ( حضور المكان وأثره في شعر العرجي ) ويكشف عن ذلك من خلال: الطبيعة، والمجتمع، وأما الفصل الثاني ( بناء وتشكيل المكان في شعر العرجي ) فيجد في فحص وتحليل اللوحات المكانية التي يرسمها الشاعر، ويبحث في ارتباطاتها ودلالاتها، ويتوزع في ثلاثة مباحث هي: المكان: الواقع الشعر، الطلل : الحاضر الماضي، الرحلة: العدم الوجود، في حين يأتي الفصل الثالث ( شعرية المكان في شعر العرجي ) ليكون مخصصاً لاستكناه الطاقات الشعرية التي تكتنزها ألفاظ المكان في شعر العرجي بوصفها تمثل فضاءات دلالية متعددة الوظائف تتعالى عن الارتباطات الحرفية بالواقع، وتتفجر بالكثير من المعاني الشعرية، كما يبين كيفية انبناء المكان عبر الصورة الشعرية، ويأتي ذلك في مبحثين هما: أسماء المواقع والديار بين الواقعية والشعرية، والمكان الطبيعي والصورة الشعرية
* s –modules over ring extensions
القثامي، دخيل الله عايض عوض الله
Dr. Salah Abdullah Al-Nofayee
In this thesis, under some conditions, we prove that for any ring extension B of a ring A, if a right A-module M is an s-star module, then M ⊗A B is an s-star B-module, and we prove that the converse holds. As well prove that for any ring extension B of a ring A, if a right A-module M is a ∗s-module, then M ⊗A B is a ∗s-module in Mod-B.
A Comparative Study of Reading and Listening to Books Usually Read for Pleasure by EFL Learners
الجهني ، مها عيد عواد
د . محمد حسان زكريا
English Language - Linguistics
The current study investigates the comprehension of reading compared to the comprehension of listening to books that are usually read for pleasure. It attempts to shed light on the differences found in the comprehension of audiobooks as opposed to that of print books. In addition, it explores the effects of using audiobooks for learners’ attitudes and motivation. The sample of this study included 10 female students from The Science Stream of Saudi Arabia Taif University Preparatory Year Program. This study used the story The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1911) as the reading material. Participants of the study have either read then listened to the story or listened then read it. The instruments used for data collection included comprehension tests designed by Oxford Bookworms Library along with a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The results of the tests indicate a significant difference between the scores of the reading and listening groups in favour of the listening group. These results, revealed that using audiobooks is an effective tool for introducing EFL learners to reading. Also, comprehension gained through audiobooks can sometime surpass that gained through traditional reading of print books. In addition, EFL learners can get more literary pleasure from reading audiobooks than they may have through print books. This study is, to the best of my knowledge, the first of its kind in a Saudi University that studies the impact of using audiobooks as a tool implementing reading for pleasure and measuring the comprehension gained from it as a distinct reading method.
A comparative Study on the Symptoms and Diagnosis of Some the Bacterial Etiology of Diarrhoea in the Pediatric at Highaltitude Area, Taif, Kingdome of Saudia Arabia
العصيمي ، مها عبيد
د. عثمان محمد الزهراني
The diarrhoea is one serious symptom associated with Gastroenteritis may be leading to a death of children. The high-altitude may had an effect, according to Highland medicine, there is a strong relationship between high-altitude and the diseases such as upper risk disturbances of hypothermia and gastro-intestinal diseases. This study identified access the scientific knowledge of diarrhoea, its bacterial causes and the effect ranges of the high altitude on some bacterial etiology of diarrhoea in children. That was through the study of symptoms and diagnosis for cases in the pediatric department in Taif city public hospitals. Taif city is area at high-altitude above sea level, therefore the residents might expose to climatic conditions that help the microbial infections. The comparison of Taif city data with Makkah city which is normal-altitude and considered as low land to Taif city. In addition, study the sequences of 16S rRNA and the determination of phylogenetic relationships among chosen isolates. This study was carried on in the government hospitals in Taif and Makkah cities during (Nov. 2015 - Jun. 2016). The study had been performed to compare some of bacterial etiology and symptoms associated with complaints of diarrhoea due to gastroenteritis among children which their age was between (2 to 12) years old, they were distributed into 3 group (2-4, 4-6 and 6-12) year. The total number of children enrolled in this study were 767 cases; (380 were from Taif and 372 cases were from Makkah). The results were concluded; the distribution of gastro-enteritis cases according to the age, there was an inverse relationship between gastro -enteritis and age groups F under study, and the highest percentage of cases was in Taif until the age of (6-12) years, it was observed in Makkah was higher. The distribution of gastro-enteritis cases according to the sex, the rate of cases for females was higher than the males of both cities, and was observed a higher cases of females in Makkah than Taif. The highest percent of males was in Taif compared with Makkah. The difference in the total of cases with diarrhoea of children gastro-enteritis where it was higher in Taif than Makkah city. The distribution of gastro-enteritis cases according to the clinical diagnosis for symptoms; (severe, moderate and mild), there was an increase in the number of cases in Taif from Makkah for severe and moderate symptoms, while mild symptoms were higher in Makkah for all age groups under study. The distribution of gastro-enteritis cases for each age separately to the total according to the clinical diagnosis, the difference between Taif and Makkah was found. The total distribution rate was higher in Taif except for the age group (6-12) years. The statistical analysis showed an increase in the rates of Taif from Makkah, but the cases of mild symptoms were in Makkah higher for the age groups (4-6 and 6-12) years. The results, based on the distribution of intestinal bacteria revealed the high incidence of infection in Taif compared to Makkah in the total and for all age groups. The distribution of bacterial spp in total bacterial enteropathogens, in ascending order in Taif were as (Campylobacter spp, Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and E. coli) respectively, while in Makkah were as (Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Campylobacter spp and E. coli) respectively. The rate of all bacterial infection was higher in Taif than Makkah except (Campylobacter and E. coli). G The distribution of bacterial positive for enter-pathogens, in ascending order in Taif were as (Campylobacter spp, Salmonella spp, Shigella spp and E. coli) respectively, while in Makkah (Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Campylobacter spp and E. coli) respectively, the rate of infection of all bacteria was higher in Taif than Makkah expet Campylobacter spp was equal in both cities . The results revealed the similarity percentage of 16S rRNA sequences for the selected isolates compared to those obtained . The results showed that the isolate strains were as (1, 2 and 3) were similar to (Shigella flexneri, E. coli, and Salmonella enterica), respectively. The isolation strain was 4 as Campylobacter was difficult to obtain the sequence of 16S rRNA genes, which gave a negative result, possibly due to poor growth and the death in sending preparation to Korea and Jeddah laboratory
A Convenient Approach for The Synthesis and Biological Applications of New Heterocycles Containing Thiophene Moiety
القثامي ، وسام معلا
د . محمد عزت عبد المنعم خليفة
A Convenient Approach for The Synthesis and Biological Applications of New Heterocycles Containing Thiophene Moiety
القثامي، وسام بنت معلا
Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Abdel-moneim Khalifa
The thesis aimed to synthesize 2-aminothiophene derivatives and evaluate their biological activities against different human tumor cell lines. A set of novel targets (73-90) were synthesized based upon preparation of the newly 2-aminothiophene derivative (73) using Gewald methodology. Several functional reactions were performed under normal conditions, depending on the reactivity of the substituents attached to thiophene nucleus towards various nucleophiles. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by various spectral analyses. The potential biological activities of the synthesized compounds were examined as antitumor agents against two human tumor cell lines namely; hepatocellular carcinoma (HEPG-2) and mammary gland breast cancer (MCF-7). All the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of both human tumor cell lines with variable degrees comparing with the reference control drug (Doxorubicin) and related to their chemical structures. An interesting computational study was carried out, predicting that all the investigated compounds had non-planar geometry. With the aid of the Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) study, the thiophene ring atomic charges exhibited that the sulfur and carbon atoms at positions 2 and 4 have positive charges while those at 3 and 5 positions have negative charges which found to be more reactive. Key words: 2-Aminothiophene; antitumor activity; Frontier Molecular Orbital; HEPG-2 cell line; MCF-7 cell lines.
A Convenient Approach for The Synthesis and Biological Applications of New Heterocycles Containing Thiophene Moiety
القثامي، وسام معلا
Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Abdel-moneim Khalifa
The thesis aimed to synthesize 2-aminothiophene derivatives and evaluate their biological activities against different human tumor cell lines. A set of novel targets (73-90) were synthesized based upon preparation of the newly 2-aminothiophene derivative (73) using Gewald methodology. Several functional reactions were performed under normal conditions, depending on the reactivity of the substituents attached to thiophene nucleus towards various nucleophiles. The chemical structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by various spectral analyses. The potential biological activities of the synthesized compounds were examined as antitumor agents against two human tumor cell lines namely; hepatocellular carcinoma (HEPG-2) and mammary gland breast cancer (MCF-7). All the compounds were found to inhibit the growth of both human tumor cell lines with variable degrees comparing with the reference control drug (Doxorubicin) and related to their chemical structures. An interesting computational study was carried out, predicting that all the investigated compounds had non-planar geometry. With the aid of the Frontier Molecular Orbital (FMO) study, the thiophene ring atomic charges exhibited that the sulfur and carbon atoms at positions 2 and 4 have positive charges while those at 3 and 5 positions have negative charges which found to be more reactive.
المالكي ، منى جمعان
Dr. Saad Jamaan Almalki - Dr. Gamal Amin Ahmed
The researchers had a major role in proposing many distributions to the statistical community which in turn helped to solve some of the problems that have affected the data and not represented well. In this thesis, this thesis proposes the distribution of a new life by reducing the model that introduced by (Almalki, and Yuan, 2013). The proposed new distribution has three parameters. It has a simple hazard function and the increasing shape takes its mathematical characteristics. Compared this distribution with some other distributions using real data, used multiple methods to find estimations and confidence Intervals such as the maximum likelihood estimator and Bayes estimate. In this thesis compared the methods. We concluding that show that the new model represents data well, especially if the sample size is not large and it is a flexible distribution. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter presents the main concepts used in the thesis as well as making a historical presentation of the most important subjects related to them and presenting the problem that we will address. In Chapter 2: A review of some continuous distributions and continuous modifications of the Weibull distribution where the hazard function takes the increasing form and some new reduced distributions in which the hazard function is of an increasing or increasing form, including the density function, the hazard function and their different forms, graphical tools for data analysis as well as some tests used in data analysis. In Chapter 3: The study of the new reduced distribution called the second reducing modified Weibull distribution (SRNMW), which has three parameters, the hazard function is increasing, showing all the mathematical and statistical characteristics of this distribution, including the density function, the hazard function, the order statistics, the moment and other characteristics. In Chapter 4: created the classical estimates of the new reduced distribution parameters based on real data and obtained periods of confidence as the maximum likelihood method and the method of bootstrap and simulation of this distribution. In Chapter 5: Bayes estimators for the second reducing new modified Weibull distribution are presented, as well as the reliability and hazard functions by using real data. The Bayes estimators cannot be obtained in explicit forms, So, approximate Bayes estimators are computed using the MCMC method, the simulation of the results was studied in order to study the efficiency of the methods used. In Chapter 6: In this section we will present a summary of the new results obtained in this thesis with the discussion of these results and also will be presented some of the future work through which this research can be developed, if any.
القحطاني ، سارة علي محسن
د. سعد المالكي / د . جمال الدين
Over the years many researchers have proposed modifications from Weibull distribution, we provide a review of the reduced modifications and study some of its properties. This thesis introduces a new two-parameter lifetime distribution with bathtub-shaped hazard function, by reducing the model (RMW) with three parameters provided by Almaliki (2018). Some mathematical properties of distribution including hazard function, moments and order statistics are discussed. Calculated the maximum likelihood estimation, bootstrap and Bayesian estimations, then, we compare the results of different methods. We applied the reduced model to real datasets and it observed that the reduced model can provide a better fit than some other known distributions. The thesis consists of six chapters: In Chapter 1: Introduction and background of the thesis. In Chapter 2: The first part provides a review of continuous modifications of the Weibull distribution and some modern reduced distributions with two or three parameters, including their probability density and hazard functions and their shapes are presented. The second part introduces estimation methods, some tests for data analysis and goodness of fit are discussed. In Chapter 3: Introduces a new two-parameter modification of the Weibull distribution, called as new reduced lifetime (NRD) distribution. The shapes of its probability density and hazard rate functions are investigated. A method to simulate a random sample from this distribution is presented. Some of the mathematical properties of the NRD are studied including moments, moment generating function and order statistics. The maximum likelihood estimation of the proposed distribution is discussed. Different real datasets are used to compare the flexibility of the reduced version versus other lifetime distributions that have the same shape of hazard function. In Chapter 4: We consider the problem of frequentist estimation of the parameter, reliability and hazard functions of the NRD distribution based on a lifetime data. For this purpose, the MLE and bootstrap estimators are used. Exact and approximate confidence intervals for the two-parameters of the NRD distribution under lifetime data are discussed. Practical examples using real dataset are presented for illustrative our purposes. Results from the simulation study assessing the performance of our proposed method are included In Chapter 5: Bayes estimators for the NRD distribution are presented, as well as the reliability and hazard functions. The Bayes estimators cannot be obtained in explicit forms. Approximate Bayes estimators are computed using the MCMC method to generate from the posterior distributions. An analysis of real datasets is presented for illustrative our purposes. Results from the simulation study assessing the performance of our proposed method are included. In Chapter 6: In this chapter, we present a summary of the new results obtained in this research with a discussion of these results, and also some of the future work which through it this research can be developed.
A Proposed Model Based on the Use of Web 2.0 for the Development of English Writing Skills of Female Students in English Language Centers
السفياني ، دلال بسيس مرزوق
Dr. Mohammed M. Al-Sofyani
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed to design a proposed model for developing English writing skills using web 2.0 tools and explore its acceptance level from instructors' and students' perspectives. The study adopted the descriptive methodology using mixed method research design. Eight female instructors responded to the instructors' questionnaire and five of them participated in the interview. Also, twenty female students responded to the students' questionnaire. To analyse the quantitative data, the means of participants' responses were calculated. In addition, the thematic analysis was used to explain the qualitative data. Both instructors and students who participated in the current study accepted the proposed model. Despite of the technological advancement and students' fond of technology, some problems with relevance were mentioned such as non-equipped classrooms, and difficulty of internet access. Based on the results of the study, the most important recommendations were: using technology, especially the proposed model in teaching writing at ELC, having classrooms equipped and enabling students to use it inside and outside the class period.
A Proposed Software Based on the Use of Augmented Reality for Acquiring English Language Vocabulary among Primary Stage Students
النمري ، ذكرى صالح سلمان
Dr. Hamad Homoud Alsowat
Curriculum and techniques of education
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) on developing fourth grade primary students' vocabulary acquisition. The sample of the descriptive study comprised 255 primary stage participants (119 male and 136 female). The sample of the experimental study consisted of (112) male and female students, 20 students (10 male and 10 female), two teachers (one male and one female) who taught the experimental groups, and 10 parents (10 male and 10 female) for conducting the interviews. Students were divided into two experiment groups; male (n=24) and female (n=32), and two control groups; male (n=24) and female (n=32), studying English language book (Get Ready 2) at Taif public schools, Saudi Arabia. The study employed the mixed-method approach; the embedded mixed methods design. The quantitative tools that were used in the study were: technology use survey, a vocabulary test, an observation card and usability survey. While the qualitative tools were: semi-structured interviews for teachers, students and parents. The findings indicated that almost all the students use technology at home. Most of them used technology for learning in general and for learning English in particular. Also, There were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study groups in the vocabulary posttest in favor of the experimental groups. Additionally, there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study groups in the vocabulary posttest due to gender and the interaction between the teaching method and gender. Besides, there were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of students' perception of using the proposed augmented reality software for acquiring English language vocabulary due to gender. Moreover, the teacher's views towards the appropriateness of the proposed software for vocabulary acquisition at the primary stage were positive. Finally, the findings revealed essentially positive opinions regarding the usefulness of the experiment.
A Simple Spectrophotometric Method to Determine Metformin Drug
العتيبي ، مها محسن
Simple, new and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the quantitative determination of metformin drug in pure form and in pharmaceutical formulation. The method was based on the formation of a colored complex between the drug and chloranilic acid(CLA), and measuring the absorbance of the complex solution at maximum absorption wavelength 505 nm. The conditions for complex formation were studied and optimized to obtain the highest absorbance possible. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of pure and commercial drug and the recovery study reveals that there is an interference from the common excipients that are present in tablets .The results obtained by the proposed method were compared with that obtained by a standard reference one. Statistical comparison of the results was performed with regard to accuracy and precision .The results proved that there is no significant difference regarding accuracy and precision, between the two compared methods. The results also showed that other π-acceptors namely picric acid (PA), PA ) chloranil (CHL),7,7',8,8'-tetracyanoquinodimethane(TCNQ),and dichlorodicyanobenzoquinone (DDQ)form colored complexes with metformin.
A Study of the effect of a thin Al2O3 layer on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells
العتيبي، رنا فهد علط
Prof. Amar Merazga / Doctor Ateyyah Al-Baradi
This work is concerned with the improvement of dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC) performance upon Al2O3-coating of the TiO2 electrode. A sol-gel technique, using Nitrate Nano-hydrate [Al(NO3)3•9H2O] as a precursor, ethanol (CH3CH2OH) as a solvent and Nitric Acid (HNO3) as a stabilizer, was applied to prepare a solution of suspended Al2O3 nano-particles. Single drops of the so-prepared Al2O3 solution at different precursor concentrations, in the range from 0 M to 0.5 M, were spin-coated onto TiO2 electrodes and sintered at 500 °C for 1h. The obtained Al2O3-coated TiO2 electrodes were then dye-loaded by immersing in 0.3 mM ethanol-based solution of N719-dye. The surface morphology of the uncoated and 0.2 M Al2O3-coated TiO2 films were measured using a FE-SEM, showing more porosity introduced by the Al2O3 coating layer, and the associated EDX spectra presented Al and O elements in the surface chemical composition of the Al2O3-coated film. The XRD spectra of the Al2O3-coated films contained peaks of FTO and TiO2 nanocrystalline films, but showed no trace associated with the Al2O3 coating; the 0.2 M Al2O3 single drop amount was too small to influence the original film structure. Optical band-gaps were determined from the transmittance and absorbance spectra for the Al2O3 and TiO2 films, resulting in a direct band-gap of 4eV for the Al2O3 film and an indirect band-gap of 3 eV for the TiO2 film. The photovoltaic characterization of the corresponding DSSCs revealed an increase in the efficiency upon Al2O3 coating from 3.27 % to 4.71 % (enhancement of 44%) at an optimal precursor concentration of 0.2 M. About 18 % of the efficiency enhancement is due to VOC increment of 0.1V resulting from doping upward shift of the Fermi-level by 0.1 eV, while 23 % of the efficiency enhancement is due to JSC increase following reduction of the electron recombination rate as a result of the energy barrier created by the Al2O3 coating layer. This interpretation was endorsed by the dark I-V characteristics and the transient VOC decays.