Parkinsonia aculeata L,( Fabaceae), is a shrubby. The present study aims at evaluating the state of Parkinsonia aculeata and associated species to adapt different environmental conditions, identifying the patterns and sizes in terms of dimensions, size structure and density, illustrating the morphological variations among a number of stands distributed in different localities in Taif region, searching about the sources of these variations and demonstrating the link between environmental changes and persistence of trait diversity, studying the Karyotype of the Parkinsonia aculeata species and achieving of the chromosome number involved, declaring the environmental impacts on the molecular level (protein study), and establishing of the genetic variability on environmental factors relationships.
Twenty two stands were selected along Taif region and its adjacent area to represent the environmental variations that associated with the distribution of Parkinsonia aculeata. Ecological, morphological, cytogenetic and biomolecular studies were carried out. The total number of recorded species associated with Parkinsonia aculeata in the study area is 78 species belonging to 62 genera and 24 families. The family Poaceae have the highest contributions to the total flora, followed by Chenopodiaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Zygophyllaceae. The chamaephytes had the highest contribution in the study area, followed by therophytes, phanerophytes and Geophytes. The economic uses of the recorded species could be arranged descendingly as follows: grazing medicinal other uses fuel human food. The mono-regionals species were the highest, followed by bi-regional species and pluri-regional. Fourteen of the mono-regional species are Sudano-Zambezian species and 8 species are Saharo-Arabian species. The application of Multivariate analysis led to the recognition of 3 vegetation groups (communities): Parkinsonia aculeata are: A:Ochradenus baccatus group, B:Trianthema portulacastrum group, and C:Commicarpus sinuatus group. No germination of the pierced seeds of Parkinsonia aculeata in the first two days, the germination is increased highly during three and four days , then increased gradually till the 6th day. The results indicated that some of morphological characters increased with the increase of altitude such as width of leaflet and petals, while others decreased with the increase of altitude such as internode length, leaf length, and number of leaflets / leaf, seeds/fruit and fruit/in florescene. The total mean of size index-class frequency distributions of Parkinsonia aculeata population approximated the inverse J-shape at altitudes lower than 1700 m above sea level towards the relative preponderance of small individuals and approximate to negative skewed shape at altitudes more than 1700 m above sea level towards the relative preponderance of large individuals. The diploid chromosome number of Parkinsonia aculeata was found to be 2n = 28. Most of its chromosomes were metacentric and sub metacentric pairs. Generally, one can concluded that protein expression for P. aculeata plant samples was generally decreased at the level of intensity of protein bands as altitude increase. DNA was extracted and build a karyotype. Results proved molecular genetic study PCR of five primers for the presence of genetic differences between the samples studied. The results were discussed and compared with other related studies.
Key words: Cytogenetic - Parkinsonia aculeata - Multivariate - Chorotypes - Taif - Saudi Arabia - PCR - Karyotype.