Explicit Traveling Wave Solutions For Some Nonlinear Evolution Equations

الأسمري، أميرة عبدالله محمد
Dr. Taher A. Nofal / Dr. Khaled A. Gepreel
In this thesis, we study explicit traveling wave solutions for some nonlinear evolution equations by using different methods namely the generalized Kudryashov method, extended trial equation method, modified ⁄- expansion method and the first integral method. We examine also the behavior of the exact solutions. In the first chapter, we talk about partial differential equations, their types and applications. We have stated historical background of the nonlinear partial differential equations. Also, we have discussed the analytic methods for solving the nonlinear partial differential equations. In the second chapter, the generalized Kudryashov method (GKM) is employed to construct the travelling wave solutions for some nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics namely (1+1)- dimensional integro-differential Ito equation, (2+1)- dimensional integro-differential Sawada-Kotera equation and two members of integro-differential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy equations. These equations play a very important role in the mathematical physics and engineering sciences. GKM has been performed to find exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. We obtain some new exact solutions. This method is efficient, powerful and simple. Furthermore, we note that this method is a generalized form of classical Kudryashov method. The contents of this chapter have been published in Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society. In the third chapter , we study the traveling wave solutions for nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics via the fifth order modified nonlinear Kawahara equation and two members of integro-differential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchy equations by using the extended trial equation method. We obtain many new types of traveling wave solutions in hyperbolic function solutions, trigonometric function solutions, Jacobi elliptic functions solutions and rational solutions when the balance number is positive integers. The balance number is not constant as you show in other methods but changes by changing the trial equation. This method can be used to solve many nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics. The contents of this chapter have been submitted for publication in International Journal of Computer Mathematics and International Journal of Physical Sciences. Chapter four, we use the modified ⁄- expansion method to find the traveling wave solutions for some nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical physics namely the (1+1)- dimensional Ito integro-differential equation, the higher-order dispersive nonlinear Schrodinger equation, the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation and the generalized-Zakharov equations. When and are taken some special choices, some families of direct expansion methods are obtained to construct the traveling wave solutions for the nonlinear evolution equations in the mathematical physics. Based on these interesting results, we further give three forms of expansions methods via the modified - expansion method, modified - expansion method and modified ⁄- expansion function method when and satisfy decoupled differential equations , , where and are arbitrary constants. When the parameters are taken some special values the solitary wave is derived from the traveling waves. The contents of this chapter have been submitted for publication in International Journal of Physical Sciences. Chapter five, we apply the first integral method (FIM) to construct the traveling wave solution for some nonlinear evolution equations in mathematical physics. By using this method, we found some traveling wave solutions of the (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli system VIand the (2+1)-dimensional integro-differential Gardner equation. These equations play a very important role in the mathematical physics and engineering sciences. This method is based on the theory of commutative algebra. Furthermore, this method is very direct, efficient, powerful, simple and it can also be applied to other nonlinear evolution equations.

البقمي، صالحة ذعار محمد
Dr. Mohamed A. Farahat
The notion of PS-rings is extended to the class of weak PS-rings. We explore the algebraic properties of such class and study its relation with some classes of rings such as a local ring and a semisimple NI-ring. We show the following result concerning, the Ore extension ring = [; , ]: Let be an (, )-compatible NI-ring with () nilpotent such that for any idempotent ∈ , we have () = and () = 0. If is a weak right PS-ring, then = [; , ] is a weak right PS-ring. Also, we show the following result concerning, the ring of skew Hurwitz series, = (, ): Let be a -compatible NI-ring with () nilpotent, () = for every idempotent ∈ and a torsion free as a ℤ-module. If is a weak right PS-ring, then = (, ) is a weak right PS-ring.

المالكي، مسفر شرف عالي
EL-Sayed Abdel-Khalek M. Aboutaleb
Quantum information theory is highly interdisciplinary; from the theoretical point of view which is of direct interest in this thesis. It is based on advanced technical and typical tools of the classical and quantum mechanical. In particular still under development is the issue of dynamics of different physical quantity in quantum systems such as quantum entanglement and Wehrl entropy for which the methods based on the use of quantum entropies seem to provide a solid starting ground. In this context, we are interested to study of dynamics properties of the entanglement for a large class of system considering field-atom systems for pure and mixed states case using several techniques. It is of extreme importance to study the entanglement content and its temporal behavior in such physical contexts, especially for what concerns the impact that the presence of an external environment may have on these quantum systems. Scientific results in these systems are very much needed in view of the possible practical applications to different tasks of quantum information processing and transmission. Here, the quantum entanglement between an atom and coherent field is described quantitatively in terms of multi-photon and phase damping processes. Especially, considering a two-level atom interacts with a singlex mode quantized field in a coherent state inside a phase-damped cavity, and taking into account the number of multi-photon transitions and phase damping effect, the entanglement is investigated during the time evolution as a function of involved parameters in the system. The results show that the enhancement of the transitions very useful for generating of high amount of entanglement. Due to the significant how a system is quantum correlated with its environment in the construction of a scalable quantum computer, the entanglement dynamics between the bipartite system with its environment is evaluated and investigated during the dissipative process. On the other hand, we have introduced the effects of the multi-photon process and phase damping parameter on the scaled atomic Wehrl entropy, atomic Q-function, and their marginal distribution and exploring a connection between these different quantities and the behavior variation of the quantum entanglement in the field-atom system.
Functional anatomical study of the lingual apparatus of the Rock dove, Patagioenas livia (Columbidae)

الأحمري، بدور أحمد محمد
Prof. Dr. Nahed Ahmad Shawki / Dr. Fatma Abdul Rahman Al-Nefeiy
The present investigation aimed to study and describe the general morphology, muscles, skeleton, and the connective tissue of the lingual apparatus of the Rock dove, the studying of the following points: 1-GENERAL MORPHOLOGY OF THE TONGUE :- Three parts are distinguished in the dorsal surface of the tongue; the free portion (the apex), laryngeal area (body) and hyoid horns (roots) of the tongue 2- THE LINGUAL EPITHELIUM :- The study was performed to clarify the correlation between the structure and function of these elements, as well as how they are adapted to the feeding habit of that bird. The results of the present work revealed the presence of various types of epithelia along the different regions of the tongue. It is assumed that such variability is to adapt with the exposed different forces exerted on such epithelium ; e.g. abrasive forces exerted by the food and mechanical forces generated from the mechanical maneuver of the tongue. The results of the present study clarified that salivary glands acting as hydraulic structures, in addition to their secretory function. Moreover, the mucosal-submucosal junctions and their distribution in the epithelium represent important structures. These junctions, which have a physiological role in nourishing the epithelium may also act as shock absorber elements to the exerting forces of food on the epithelial surface. 3- THE HYOID SKELETON:- The following results were obtained ; The paragolssale is consists of hyaline cartilage, the Os basihyale is composed of an anterior bony portion and a posterior cartilaginous one , the Os urohyale is divided into an anterior bony half element and a posterior cartilaginous one, the Os ceratobranchiale consists of long bony and the Os epibr-anchiale is composed of two parts; bony and cartilaginous one. In addition the articulation paraglosso-basihyalis, the articulation cerato-basihyaleurohyalis and the urohyalis-ceratobra-nchiale all of these are a paired. Also, the mandible was briefly described due to its role in pr-oviding sites for attachment of some lingual muscles. 4- THE LINGUAL MUSCLES:- The lingual muscles of the Rock dove are classified into four groups: Gular muscles represented by four muscles; Mylohyoideus , Serpihyoideus , Constrictor colli intermandibularis , and Constrictor colli cervicalis . Extrinsic lingual muscles represented by sex muscles; Branchiomandibularis , Genioglossus , Ceratohyoideus , Styloh-yoideus, Cricohyoideus ventralis, and Cricohyoideus dorsalis. Intrinsic lingual muscles rep-resented by three muscles; Ceratoglossus , Hypoglossus anterior and Hypoglossus posterior . Extrinsic laryngeal muscles represented by three muscles; Tracheolateralis , Sternotrachealis and Cleidotrachealis . The lingual muscles and the functional role within the feeding system of the Rock dove, are discussed.
Functionalization of nanoparticles against bacteria causing food borne illnesses and their applications in food safety

الثبيتي ، وفاء محمد قليل
Dr. Eman Mohammed Halawani
The biosynthesis of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) to be used in food applications, especially in the antimicrobial aspect has given rise to solve the problem of food poisoning, which virulence antibiotic resistant strains. One of the more promising strategies to combat antibiotic resistance is the use of bimetallic nanoparticles (BNPs) in biomedical field. The biosynthesized Fe-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles have been effectively using plant extracts. The later contains phytochemicals compound that acts as reducing and stabilizing agents for synthesis of novel random spherical Fe-Ag bimetallic nanoparticles (Fe-AgNPs). In our study, a total of 30 local sensitive and resistant foodborne bacteria were collected from different hospitals. Biotyping and Molecular characterization using 16S rRNA gene analysis of 13 nonrepetitive bacterial strains were studied. The bacterial strains belonged to three common types of bacterial food poisoning include Salmonella enterica, Escherichia coli, and Staphylococcus aureus. The antimicrobial susceptibility of antibiotic against these strains were detected. On the other hand, biogenic synthesis of Fe-AgNPs using Olea chrysophylla extract was studied, in addition the antimicrobial effect of Fe- AgNPs against foodborne pathogens were studied. The antimicrobial studies for Fe- AgNPs were initially carried out by the determination of minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) against these bacteria. MICs of Fe- AgNPs against tested bacteria ranged from 0.5 to 4.4 µg/ml, while MBCs of Fe- AgNPs against tested strains ranged from 0.7 to 5.30 µg/ml. The formation of nanomaterials were characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, UV-VIS spectrophotometer and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The shapes of Fe-AgNPs were spherical and hexagonal. The nanoparticle sizes ranged from 13.99-33.6 nm. Synthesized nanoparticles were incorporated into antimicrobial applications in food packaging as coat covering the metal used in food packing. It displayed antibacterial effect without releasing of Fe-AgNPs. Finally recommendation to using nanoparticles as coating in packaging material for food safety, but can be a useful tool with safety parameters include,the metal used, preparation methods
Genetic Exploration of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in a Cohort of Saudi Patients

الحارثي، نوال جرادان جميل
Prof. Dr. Imed A.Mabrouk
Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a hereditary disease with heterogeneous genetic component. Caused by dysfunction of motile cilia, it manifests by neonatal respiratory distress, sinopulmonary syndrome and laterality defects. Clinical features overlapping with other disorders, does not enable the establishment of a definitive diagnosis but rather raises the suspicion of PCD. The diagnosis confirmation through functional testing is labor intensive and have several limitations. We performed a genetic testing on patients with clinical PCD suspicion, by screening of two recurrent and two founder mutations using PCR-RFLP and Sanger sequencing before proceeding to targeted-panel sequencing. We identified 5 biallelic pathogenic mutations in known PCD-related genes, thus confirming clinical suspicion of PCD in 5 among 7 analyzed families (71%). These 5 alleles span 4 genes DNAH5, CCDC40, DNAAF2 and ARMC4. We note that all mutations are homozygote, 4 of which are novel and only one was previously reported. The most interesting mutation is a novel variation in ARMC4 gene (c.2611-1G>A p.?), at a splice acceptor site creating a cryptic site 1 nucleotide downstream within exon 18. This variation could activate the cryptic site leading to a frame-shift mutation, also could cause intron 17 retention or exon 18 skipping. These results argue for the genetic heterogeneity of PCD. Analysis of other patients to enlarge the cohort, and other similar studies are necessary to explore further the mutational spectrum of PCD in Saudi population.
Geographical effects on protein and isozymes of some Moraceae genotypes

علاف، أماني محمد غرم الله محمد
Prof. Dr. Yassin Mohamed Al-Sodany / Dr. Shawkat Mahmoud Ahmed
The mulberry family Moraceae comprises 37 genera and approximately 1,100 species distributed throughout tropical and temperate regions worldwide. Some species are cultivated for their edible fruits, especially species of Ficus (figs), Morus (mulberries) and Artocarpus (Breadfruit or Jackfruit). Recently, it was determined that about 35% of species that constitute the standing vegetation are vulnerable to elimination in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, appropriate measures for the preservation of plant species in the desert area are urgently needed. For this, protein, isozymes and RAPD markers were used for molecular characterization, variability evaluation and genetic relationships of some Moraceae species collected from various areas of Saudi Arabia. High level of polymorphism was noticed in the protein and the 8 isozymes banding profiles of leaves of Moraceae genotypes. The RAPD primers successfully generated reproducible polymorphic products with polymorphism percentage ranged between 60% and 100%. A dendrogram based on UPGMA analysis of protein and isozyme data grouped the genotypes into one main cluster and single genotype; F. ingens (from Shafa), formed a separate operational taxonomic units (OTU) in cluster showing less similarity coefficient (0.25). The UPGMA cluster result indicated that all genotypes could be distinguished by RAPD-PCR markers. The use of SDS-PAGE and isozymes techniques were useful in the establishment of biochemical genetic markers for geographical effect on Ficus genotypes.
Growth changes, physiological and Molecular activities in Medicago sativa plant under influence of clethodim herbicide and salicylic acid treatments

الثقفي ، أريج فيصل عطيه
Dr. Hala Mohammad Abdelmigid
Herbicides are agrichemicals that kill or inhibit weed growth as well as they have effects on crops and the environment . Many problems have been rising due to herbicides application. In this study, pre-experiments with or without clethodim herbicide as well as salicylic acid (SA) on seed germination of Alfalfa. From the pre-experiments, the appropriate concentrations of clethodim and SA were chosen for vegetative growth experiments. Seeds of alfalfa were sown in a mixture of sand and clay soil in clean plastic pots. Four weeks later, plants characterized by the same growth were selected and divided into groups and then treated with clethodim herbicide and SA for three weeks. Growth analysis, assessment of different physiological activities, as well as antioxidant enzyme activities at both biochemical and molecular levels were conducted. Growth measurements included fresh and dry weights, are indicating the growth and water contents of treated plants. Exogenous application of salicylic acids were enhanced the ability of plant to avoid herbicide injures. Malondialdehyde (MDA) were be estimated in treated and untreated plants as indicator for lipid peroxidation. Antioxidant activities such as peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase and phenolic compounds consider good indicator for status of plant defense systems. Leaf protein and carbohydrates contents were also estimated. In the present study, clethodim affected the growth and pigment levels and induced oxidative stress in plants. Exogenously applied SA has a role in plant resistance to causes of biotic and abiotic stress and proved the ability to alleviate the effects of clethodim on most of the studied physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics. So, all these measurements and treatments in the present work could provide knowledge for improvement of plant growth against herbicide injures, which in consequent reduce the toxicity risk in the environment.
Hybrid Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity

الهذلي ، نوال عبد الله ا
Dr . Amine Rachid Mezni - Dr . Ahmad Mohammed Falattah
icles and Salicylic Acid on Biochemical Changes of Male Mice Effect of Interaction between Titanium Dioxide Nanopat

الحمياني، فاطمه فهد عيضه
Dr. Mohammad S. AL-Harbi / Prof. Nahla S. El-Shenawy
Nanomaterials coating gained much concern in orthopedic implants and are now in daily use including popular sunscreens, toothpastes, and cosmetics. The toxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TDN) and salicylic acid (SA) separately or in combination was studied for 21 days. In this study, we demonstrated that the intraperitoneal injection of TDN and SA in combination had a potential toxicological effect on major organs and hormonal hemostasis of mice. The TDN and SA could be antagonistic interact to effect on the liver and kidney functions. The interaction of the TDN and SA were also found to induce oxidative stress indicated by an increase in lipid peroxidation. A decreased level of the glutathione in co-treated-group indicated that there was no synergistic damage. Salicylic acid and TDN co-administration could induce a potentiation increase in LPO levels in liver, kidney and spleen but not in heart tissue. Though these results from the present study have not suggested that TDN and SA have a synergistic sub-chronic toxicity in mice and SA may slightly decrease the toxicity of TDN. This could be attributed to the potentiation of chemical reaction between SA and TDN. These results suggested that the damage observed in mice treated with TDN and SA is organ-specific and associated with hormonal homeostasis and oxidative damage.
Identification of Four Lutjanus Species from Saudi Arabian Waters in Terms of Osteometric Characteristics and Computed Tomography

الزايدي، بندر تركي عوض الله
Prof. Dr. Imam Abd-El Ghany Ahmed Mekkawy / Dr. Mohammed Bin-Yaslm Shobrak
The present work studied intra- and interspecific variations in four Lutjanus species in terms of univariate and multivariate analyses and CT-X ray with estimation of predictive fish size-bone-length equations to be used in food and feeding, archaeological and paleontological studies.Based on the neurocraneum characteristics of Lutjanus species, intrerspecific variations in raw and indices were evident in univariate and multivariate ANOVA and by application of DFA and Mahalonobis-based cluster analysis. However, species interrelationships were found to be variable according to the pattern of size, shape or size-shape componnents reflected by canonical variates and Mahalonobis-based cluster analysis. The relationships between individual bones and the reference lengths, standard, head and skull lengths and the reverse were estimated in terms of equations for predictions and application in archaeological, paleontological and food and feeding studies. CT x-ray were found to be valid in revealing the pattern of variations in depth/width index of cross sections of the fish body of Lutjanus species. The CT also were found valuable in interspecific comparison on the bases of three dimensional CT-reconstructed skeletons and studying the distributions of bones and interrelationship of these bones especially otoliths, vertebrae, ribs and fin skeletons.The caudal skeletons of Lutjanus species were similar in their paaterns and emphasize on interspecific similarity which was inaccordance of the percoid type.
Identification of Four Lutjanus Species from Saudi Arabian Waters in Terms of Osteometric Characteristics and Computed Tomography

الزايدي، بندر تركي عوض
Prof. Dr. Imam Abd-El Ghany Ahmed Mekkawy /
The present work studied intra- and interspecific variations in four Lutjanus species in terms of univariate and multivariate analyses and CT-X ray with estimation of predictive fish size-bone-length equations to be used in food and feeding, archaeological and paleontological studies.Based on the neurocraneum characteristics of Lutjanus species, intrerspecific variations in raw and indices were evident in univariate and multivariate ANOVA and by application of DFA and Mahalonobis-based cluster analysis. However, species interrelationships were found to be variable according to the pattern of size, shape or size-shape componnents reflected by canonical variates and Mahalonobis-based cluster analysis. The relationships between individual bones and the reference lengths, standard, head and skull lengths and the reverse were estimated in terms of equations for predictions and application in archaeological, paleontological and food and feeding studies. CT x-ray were found to be valid in revealing the pattern of variations in depth/width index of cross sections of the fish body of Lutjanus species. The CT also were found valuable in interspecific comparison on the bases of three dimensional CT-reconstructed skeletons and studying the distributions of bones and interrelationship of these bones especially otoliths, vertebrae, ribs and fin skeletons.The caudal skeletons of Lutjanus species were similar in their paaterns and emphasize on interspecific similarity which was inaccordance of the percoid type.
Impact of extraction methods on the chemical composition and biological activity of Cardamom and Ajwain essential oils

الثبيتي ، شروق محمد خلف
Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Saleh Abdel-Hameed
Improved methods for finding the exact and approximate solutions for nonlinear differential equations

الوعيل ، خلود عمر سعيد
د. خالد أحمد جبريل / د. طاهر عبد الحميد نوفل
في هذه الرسالة نقوم بدراسة الحلول التحليلية والحلول التقريبية لبعض من المشاكل الفيزيائية المختلفة في العديد من المعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية وذلك باستخدام بعض الطرق الحديثة في هذا المجال : الباب الأول : في هذا الباب قمنا بدراسة طريقة مفكوك (G'/G) الموسعة عندما G يحقق المعادلة التفاضلية العادية من الرتبة الثانية : AGG" ( )- BGG'- EG 2 – CG' 2 = 0, وقمنا باستخدام هذه الطريقة لإيجاد الحلول التحليلية التامة لعديد من المعادلات التفاضلية الجزيئية غير الخطية كدوال الزائدية والمثلثية والكسرية وقمنا بتطبيق هذه الطريقة على : معادلات واه هونج التفاضلية غير الخطية في بعدين The (2 + 1 ) – dimensional Wu- Zhang equations ومعادلات كرتيويج دي فريز غير الخطية the Kdv equation ، وكذلك معادلات هيرو تاساتسوما المعممة غير الخطية ، وقد قمنا بنشر البحث في المجلة العلمية Journal of Information and Computing Science الباب الثاني : في هذا الباب تم مناقشة طريقة حديثة اسمها المعادلة البسيطة simple equation method لإيجاد الحلول التحليلية التامة للمعادلات التفاضلية الجزئية غير الخطية في الفيزياء الرياضية وتم مناقشة طريقة المعادلة البسيطة عندما تحقق دالة المحاولة الممتدة معادلة برنولي التفاضلية من الرتبة الأولى وكذلك معادلة ريكاتي التفاضلية في الرتبة الأولى وتم استخدام هذه .
Improvement of salt tolerance of Rosmarinus officinalis L. plant by salicylic acid

الجودي ، نورة غويزي سعد
د. فهمي عبدالرحمن صادق / د. مايسه محمد مرسى
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different salinity levels, salicylic acid (SA) concentrations and their combination on the growth, herb and volatile oil yields and some physiological and biochemical characters of rosemary plant. Salinity levels were 0, 25, 50 and 100 mM NaCl and SA concentrations were 0, 0.2 and 0.4 mM. Salinity treatments significantly decreased plant height, branch number, fresh and dry weights of herb, relative water content (RWC) compared with the control. While the volatile oil percentage was increased, the volatile oil yield was not significantly affected due to salinity. Salinity treatment also reduced chlorophyll content and increased total soluble sugars, membrane permeability, malondialdehyde (MDA), proline content and antioxidant enzyme activities (CAT, SOD and POX) relative to the control. The percentages of N, P, K, and Mg were reduced with increasing salinity concentrations. Meanwhile, Na and CⅠ were gradually increased with increasing salinity levels. The foliar application of SA alleviated the abovementioned negative effects of salinity on growth, herb and volatile oil yields and the physiological and biochemical characters investigated. The relative transcript levels of SOD, CAT, and APX genes were changed and up-regulated compared to the control due to NaCl stress and SA treatments. The increment of antioxidant enzyme activities and accumulation of proline as a result of SA treatment are suggested to involve as a part of the defense against salinity in rosemary plant. To alleviate the negative effects of salinity on rosemary plant, treatment of SA at 0.4 mM was recommended.