The Effectiveness of Using Collaborative Strategic Reading Strategy in Developing Reading Comprehension Skills of Secondary Stage English Language Female Learners
القحطاني ، أحلام سعيد
د. محمد الشريف
Curriculum and techniques of education
The current study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Collaborative Strategic Reading Strategy in developing reading comprehension skills of secondary stage English language learners. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design employing two groups (experimental and control). The design included an independent variable (CSR Strategy) and a dependent variable (reading comprehension skills) which was measured by reading comprehension test designed by the researcher.
The sample of the study consisted of 1st grade Secondary student from two secondary schools in Taif (N=49). The students were divided into two groups experimental and control. The experimental group (N=24) was taught the reading comprehension texts of Flying High 2 book through CSR Strategy. The control group (N=25) was taught the same texts through the traditional method. In order to process the results of the study groups statistically, the researcher used the computerized program: Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS). Mann-Whitney U Test, normal distribution Z, and effect size of Mann-Whitney U Test were used in this study.
Results revealed that CSR Strategy had a positive effect on the learners' reading comprehension. In light of the study results, the researcher recommended the following: using CSR Strategy for developing reading comprehension skills of English language learners; using CSR Strategy for teaching students in a cooperative class and encourage them to work in groups, training EFL teachers on how to apply CSR Strategy, and drawing the attention of curriculum designers to enrich teacher's guide books with information and advice about how to apply CSR Strategy on reading classes.
The Effectiveness of a Suggested Unit Based on Enrichment Activities on Developing Achievement in English Language of Secondary Stage Students
الغامدي، سامي محمد حسن
Marwan Rasheed Arafat, Ph.D
Curriculum and techniques of education
The present study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of
teaching a suggested unit based on enrichment activities on developing
achievement in English language of secondary stage students. It was
based on a quasi experimental design (experimental / control) to find out
the effectiveness of using enrichment activities on developing
achievement in English language. The study included one independent
variable which was the effectiveness of teaching a suggested unit based
on enrichment activities and one dependent variable which was
developing achievement in English language. The sample of the study
was (N = 46) from the third secondary grade students. The experimental
group was (N= 23) who were taught the unit through enrichment
activities. The control group was ( N= 23 ) who were taught the unit
through traditional method. The following instruments were used to
achieve the questions of the study: questionnaire to determine the most
suitable enrichment activities for 3rd secondary stage students, and
achievement test. The t-test was used to determine the statistical
differences between the mean scores of the two groups. The findings of
the study indicated that using enrichment activities had positive
effectiveness on developing achievement in English language for the
third secondary stage students. The study concluded with some
recommendations and pedagogical implications that might help in
improving students’ achievement levels. Further research was suggested
in relation to developing and using appropriate enrichment activities for
each stage of the general education in Saudi Arabia.
The Effectiveness of Reading Workshops in Developing 3rd Grade Middle Stage Students' EFL Reading Comprehension Skills
الحارثي، محمد عواض وتيد
Dr. Marwan Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The current study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of reading
workshops in developing 3rd grade middle stage students' EFL reading
comprehension skills. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design
(experimental / control) to study the effectiveness of reading workshops
in developing reading comprehension skills. The study included one
independent variable which was the reading workshops and one
dependent variable which was EFL reading comprehension skills. The
sample of the study consisted of (N = 53) from the third intermediate
grade students. The experimental group consisted of (N= 27) which was
taught reading texts through reading workshops. The control group
consisted of (N= 26) which was taught reading texts through the normal
method. The instruments used to answer the questions of the study were a
checklist to determine the most suitable reading comprehension skills for
3rd intermediate grade students and a reading comprehension skills test.
The t-test was used to determine the statistical differences between the
mean scores of the two groups. The result of the study indicated a
positive effectiveness of reading workshops in developing reading
comprehension skills for the 3rd intermediate grade students.
The Effectiveness of Teaching a Unit Based on Learning Circles on Developing Reading Comprehension Skills of Intermediate Stage Students
الزهراني، محمد عبدالله عطيه
Mohammed Ghazi Al Joudi , Ph.D
Curriculum and techniques of education
The current study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of teaching a
unit based on learning circles on developing reading comprehension skills of
intermediate stage students. The study adopted a quasi experimental design
(experimental / control) to study the effectiveness of using 5Es learning circle
strategy on developing reading comprehension skills. The study included one
independent variable which was the effectiveness of teaching a unit based on
learning circles and one dependent variable which was developing reading
comprehension skills. The sample of the study consisted of (N = 59) from the
second intermediate grade students. The experimental group consisted of (N=
30) which was taught reading texts through 5Es learning circle. The control
group consisted of (N= 29) which was taught reading texts through traditional
method. The following instruments were used to achieve the questions of the
study: a checklist of reading comprehension skills, a questionnaire to
determine the required reading comprehension skills for 2nd intermediate
grade students, and reading comprehension skills test. The t-test is used to
determine the statistical differences between the mean scores of two groups.
The current study indicated the positive effectiveness of using 5Es learning
circle on developing reading comprehension skills for the second intermediate
grade students. The following recommendations were offered: The study
reached to the required fifteen reading comprehension skills for 2nd
intermediate grade students. The study recommends to take into consideration
these skills when curricula were designed, Encouraging English supervisors
and teachers for using the current strategy in teaching that make students
sharing and activating their thinking and abilities,Training English teachers
for using 5Es learning circle in their teaching, and Adapting 5Es learning
circle in teaching reading comprehension skills in all educational stages.
The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning on Developing Speaking Skills and Attitudes towards English Language among Secondary Stage Female Students
الماضي ، نورة مشاري حمد
Dr. Hamad Homoud Alsowat
Curriculum and techniques of education
This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using blended learning on developing speaking skills and attitudes toward English language among secondary stage female students in Taif, Saudi Arabia. The study adopted the quasi-experimental design: a pre/posttest non-equivalent control group design. The study sample consisted of (60) female students divided into two groups: the experimental group (N=30) and the control group (N=30). The study tools included an oral speaking test to measure the student’s speaking skills, and an attitude scale to measure the student’s attitude toward learning English language. The test was designed based on a list of speaking skills required for first grade secondary stage students. A rubric for assessing the students' oral performance was constructed and used to assess the students' performance before and after implementing the treatment.
After confirming the validity and reliability of the study instruments, they were applied to the study sample. A number of statistical approaches including Pearson's correlation coefficient, Cronbach's alpha coefficient, independent samples t-test, and MANOVA were used.
Based on the analysis of the study results, the study concluded that using blended learning as a method of teaching improved students’ speaking skills and attitudes towards English language. There were statistically significant differences at (α≤ 0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in the post speaking skills test (pronunciation, comprehension, fluency, grammar, vocabulary) in favor of the experimental group. Besides, there were statistically significant differences at (α≤ 0.05) between the mean scores of the experimental group and the control group in the post application of the attitudes scale toward learning English language in favor of the experimental group.
Based on the study results, the most important recommendations were: English language teachers are advised to implement blended learning in the English language lessons to develop the student’s performance, taking into consideration the students' different learning styles. Curriculum designers must consider the nature of blended learning, and design a curriculum with models of different techniques and activities.
The Effectiveness of Using Blended Learning on Developing Speaking Skills and Attitudes towards English Language among Secondary Stage Female Students
The Effectiveness of Using Brain–Based Learning in Enhancing English Reading Comprehension Skills of Secondary Female Students with Different Mental Capacities
العصيمي ، بشاير جزاء حسن
Dr. Hamad Homoud Al-Sowat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using Drama Activities in Teaching Some Units of EFL Course on Developing Language Proficiency and on Decreasing Anxiety Level of First Grade Intermediate Students
الزهراني، عبدالله خضر محمد
Marwan Rasheed Arafat , Ph.D
Curriculum and techniques of education
The present study investigated the effectiveness of using drama activities in teaching some units of EFL course on developing language proficiency and on decreasing anxiety level of first grade intermediate students. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design (experimental/control) groups. It included one independent variable i.e. drama activities and two dependent variables i.e. developing language proficiency and decreasing the anxiety level. The sample of the study included first intermediate grade students (N = 48). The experimental group consisted of twenty three students who were taught the units using drama activities. The control group consisted of twenty five students who were taught the units using the normal method. An achievement test was used to assess the student's language proficiency. A scale measured the level of anxiety among students. Based on t-test, the statistical processing of the mean scores of the two groups indicate positive effects of drama activities on developing language proficiency and on decreasing the anxiety level for the 1st grade intermediate students. Therefore, it can be concluded that drama activities can facilitate teaching EFL units. Moreover, they encourage students' involvement and participation in addition to activating their thinking and abilities.
The Effectiveness of Using Mind-Maps Strategy on Developing English Vocabulary and Achievement Motivation of Primary Stage Female-pupils
الدهاسي ، منال مسيفر حازم
Dr. Eid Abdel-Wahed Ali
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using Multisensory Approach in Enhancing The Achievement and Retention of English Language Vocabulary for Intermediate Stage Female Students with EFL Learning Disabilities.
القرني ، ندى سعد عبد الله
Dr. Hamdy A.A. Elbanna
Curriculum and techniques of education
هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى قياس فاعلية استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز تحصيل مفردات اللغة الانجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة ذوات صعوبات التعلم . وتتلخص مشكلة الدراسة في السؤال الرئيسي التالي : ما فاعلية استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز تحصيل مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى طالبات المرحلة المتوسطة ذوات صعوبات تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية ؟
اعتمدت الدراسة الحالية على المنهج التجريبي القائم على التصميم شبه التجريبي . واشتملت ادوات الدراسة على اختبار كاتل للذكاء . والاختبار التحصيلي لمفردات اللغة الإنجليزية (من إعداد الباحثة ) . وقد تم اختبار عينة الدراسة من مدرستين متوسطتين للبنات في مدينة الطائف هما : المتوسطة الرابعة والثلاثون والمتوسطة الخامسة والأربعون . و بالاعتماد على محكي التباين والاستبعاد ، تم تحديد الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم اللواتي يمثلن عينة هذه الدراسة . ثم تم تقسيم العينة عشوائيين إلى مجموعتين : ضابطة مكونة من ( 10 ) طالبات تم تدريسهن بالطريقة التقليدية وتجريبية مكونة من (12 ) طالبة تم تدريسهن باستخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس . وقد خضعت المجموعتين للاختبار القبلي للتحقق من تكافؤهما .
استمرت الدراسة لمدة ستة أسابيع خضعت الطالبات بعدها للتطبيق البعدي ثم للتطبيق المؤجل بعد مرور شهر على التطبيق البعدي . استخدمت الباحثة مجموعة من المعالجات الإحصائية ، باستخدام حزمة التحليلات الإحصائية في العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية SPSS ؛ تمثلت في الآتي : اختبار مان وتني " Mann_ Whitney U Test " ، Z التقريب الاعتدالي لمان ونتي ، حجم التأثير ( ES) المستخدم مع احصاء ويلكوكسن ، اختبار ويلكوكسن " Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test " .
و أظهرت نتائج الدراسة الأثر الإيجابي لاستخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في التدريس على تحصيل مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم . وفي ضوء نتائج الدراسة ، قدمت الباحثة مجموعة من التوصيات كان من أبرزها : استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس في تعزيز اكتساب مفردات اللغة الإنجليزية والاحتفاظ بها لدى الطالبات ذوات صعوبات التعلم ، استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس لتدريس مواد أخرى مثل العلوم والرياضيات ، عقد دورات تدريبية للمعلمات لتدريبهن على استخدام المدخل متعدد الحواس ، السعي لرفع مستوى الوعي في الدراس وفي المجتمع حول ذوي صعوبات التعلم , وتوجيه انتباه مصممي المناهج الى اثراء المناهج بالأنشطة التي تتطلب استخدام الحواس المختلفة معاً .
The Effectiveness of Using Reciprocal Teaching Strategy on Enhancing Reading Skills of EFL Saudi Female Intermediate Students with Reading Difficulties
الشهري ، منى غرمان عبد الله
Dr. EidAbd El-Whahed Ali
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using Self-Questioning Strategy in Developing Strategic Listening and Self-Regulation of Female Students at Taif University
العتيبي ، مرام مسري عريمط
Dr. Hamad Homoud Alsowat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The Effectiveness of Using the Transactional Strategies Instruction in Developing Secondary Stage Good and Poor Readers' Comprehension Skills in English
السواط، كريم عبيد الله مطر
Dr. Marwan Rasheed Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using the
transactional strategies instruction (TSI) in developing secondary stage
good and poor readers' comprehension skills in English. The study adopted
a quasi-experimental design: a pre/ post- test non- equivalent control group
design to achieve its aims.
The sample of the study consisted of 2nd secondary stage students from
two high schools in Taif (N=68). The students were divided into two
groups: experimental group (N=34) and control group (N=34). In order to
determine good and poor readers in each group, the TOEFL Junior
Standard Test reading comprehension section was administered to the
whole subjects. The experimental group contained (13) good readers and
(9) poor readers. On the other hand, the control group contained (10) good
readers and (10) poor readers. The experimental group was taught by using
transactional strategies instruction while the control group received regular
A reading comprehension skills test was administered to the both groups
before and after the experiment.
The scores were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U Test. The results
indicated the positive effectiveness of using the transactional strategies
instruction in developing secondary stage good and poor readers'
comprehension skills in English.
In the light of the results, the study provided some relevant
recommendations and suggestions.
The Effectiveness of Using the Transactional Strategies Instruction in Developing Secondary Stage Good and Poor Readers' Comprehension Skills in English
السواط، كريم عبيدالله مطر
Dr. Marwan Rasheed Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of using the
transactional strategies instruction (TSI) in developing secondary stage
good and poor readers' comprehension skills in English. The study adopted
a quasi-experimental design: a pre/ post- test non- equivalent control group
design to achieve its aims.
The sample of the study consisted of 2nd secondary stage students from
two high schools in Taif (N=68). The students were divided into two
groups: experimental group (N=34) and control group (N=34). In order to
determine good and poor readers in each group, the TOEFL Junior
Standard Test reading comprehension section was administered to the
whole subjects. The experimental group contained (13) good readers and
(9) poor readers. On the other hand, the control group contained (10) good
readers and (10) poor readers. The experimental group was taught by using
transactional strategies instruction while the control group received regular
A reading comprehension skills test was administered to the both groups
before and after the experiment.
The scores were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney U Test. The results
indicated the positive effectiveness of using the transactional strategies
instruction in developing secondary stage good and poor readers'
comprehension skills in English.
In the light of the results, the study provided some relevant
recommendations and suggestions.
The Obstacles of Teachers Use of E-learning in Teaching English Language for lntermediate Stage Female Pupils from Teachers' Perspective
الحمياني ، وفاء علي حامد
Curriculum and techniques of education
The study aimed at exploring the obstacles of using E-learning in teaching English language
from English language teachers' perspective at the intermediate stage. The study adopted the descriptive methodology. The questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect the required data.
After confirming the validity and reliability of the study instrument, it was applied to the study sample which consisted of English language female teachers at the intermediate stage in Taif city
(N=143).. A number of statistical approaches were used in the study such as Cronbach's alpha
coefficient, Pearson's correlation coefficient, arithmetic means, standard deviations, independent samples, t-test and ANOVA
Results showed that the grand mean of all obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in
teaching English language for intermediate stage female students in Taif from teachers‘
perspectives was (3.47) which was a (high) degree. All obstacles in the four domains (English teachers‘ related obstacle - students‘ related obstacles - technical and IT related obstacles -evaluation methods‘ related obstacles) were of a (high) degree and with means that ranged from (3.36) to (3.58). Teachers‘ related obstacles came first, evaluation methods came second, technical and IT related obstacles came third, and finally students‘ related obstacles came fourth .
Moreover, there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the means
of the obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in teaching English language for intermediate female pupils in Taif according to their qualification and experience in English language teaching whereas, there were no statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) in the means of the obstacles of teachers‘ use of e-learning in teaching English language for intermediate female pupils in Taif according to the offices of education and to training courses in computer .
Based on the results of the study, a number of recommendations and further research were suggested .
The Relationship between Self-regulated Learning Strategies and Reading Comprehension in English Language among Secondary Stage Students
العتيبي، ساميه عواض خراس
Dr. Marwan Arafat
Curriculum and techniques of education
The current study aimed at examining the relationship between selfregulated
learning strategies and reading comprehension. The study adopted a
correlative descriptive methodology. Two instruments were used to achieve
the results of the study: first, a researcher-prepared reading comprehension
test of the first three units of first secondary grade textbook and second, an
adopted Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. After confirming
the validity and reliability of the study instruments, they were applied to the
study sample which consisted of first secondary grade students from two
secondary schools in Taif (N = 100; male =55 & female = 45). A number of
statistical approaches were used in the study such as Cronbach's alpha
coefficient, arithmetic means, standard deviations, Pearson's correlation
coefficient, independent samples, t-test and analysis of regression. The results
revealed that there were significant positive correlations between some
strategies and reading comprehension, there were diversity in degrees of
students' self-regulated learning strategies, there were no statistical significant
differences at level (α = 0.05) between the average of male and female
students and finally self-regulated learning strategies could predict first
secondary grade students' reading comprehension. In the light of the results of
the study, the following recommendations and suggestions were offered: it is
important to raise EFL students and teachers' awareness of the importance and
effectiveness of using self-regulated learning strategies in EFL learning and
teaching, EFL teachers should teach self-regulated strategies along with
content so that students understand how to apply the strategies, EFL
supervisors should design training programs that include self-regulated
learning for EFL teachers, EFL curricula planners and designers should
include self-regulated strategies in EFL textbooks and courses to enrich EFL
students' learning, finally, other researchers should conduct experimental
studies that deal with self-regulated learning to develop various language
skills among students in different educational levels.
Key Words: Self-regulated Learning Strategies, Reading Comprehension,
First Secondary Grade EFL Students.